Adult FMV strip rock-paper-scissors title, allowing the players to choose between five different women, and decide which articles of clothing are removed after winning. Stripping your opponents rewards the player with a three minute long video.
The game takes place in a futuristic sci-fi setting, where the player pilots a giant robot. His main objective is research, through a lot of dialogue and exploration of scenarios, although there are also combat segments between mecha that allow the player to fight with weapons or melee.
Battle Pinball is a Japanese-only release where players play competitive pinball against the computer or another player. Players pick between one of four characters, each with their own dedicated pinball table. The game then moves to a split-screen view, where both players play their respective table and try to get a higher score than their opponent.
Sarah Jane Hamilton, Anna of Gables, is haunted by dark, erotic visions of unspeakable acts, which she struggles to understand. The one constant is a perversely beautiful voodoo ritual that appears in her dreams, and seems to hold the key to her past.
You play a Trashman, a bounty hunter paid to capture criminal scum hiding on harsh alien worlds.
Your job is to race the enemy crime boss to the finish, blasting his goons along the way. Get blown up or drive too slowly and the boss gets away. But if you make it to the check point in time, you block the boss' escape and trap him on the planet.
You can upgrade your vehicle with the cash from your bounties. You can also go up against a buddy in the vertical split-screen deathmatch mode.
Off-World Interceptor's most unique feature is the storyline, told in full-motion video. Standard for the time. But OWIE's FMV is mocked by a couple of guys sitting in chairs, a la Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Slayer is a first-person action RPG using the AD&D 2nd Edition license and rules. Choose from the usual assortment of AD&D character races and classes and venture into randomly-generated dungeons, fighting monsters, and finding items. Dungeon parameters and difficulty are customizable.
Slayer is an Action game, published by Rack It (Hewson) as a budget title, which was released in 1988. The game features three levels of horizontal shooting action with end of level guardians after each level. There are power-ups which give you extra firepower and shields,