Can you save Grampa from Plasmic Prison
7800 Arcade adventure like you've never seen before. This game has it all places like rivers, deep dark forests, creepy caverns, labs, creatures like Vampires, Mutant zombies and menacing bats. Your adventure includes exploring large areas and finding awesome weapons. A press of a button brings instant on-screen hints and tips.
It all adds up to awesome action with mega Graphics. Grampa’s back, it’s up to you to wipe out the Monsters and clean up.
Wouldn't you know it, you drew Bruno the Sledge, five time champion and all-around bad guy, as your first opponent in your quest for that elusive Atari Wrestling Federation championship belt. Ever since he lost his title to Eric the Flaxen Saxon, Bruno's been terrorizing the AWF circuit.
Bruno the Sledge glares at you with his one remaining eye. When the bell rings, he charges like a man insane. Just before the impact of his 386-pound body, you step aside and raise your elbow.
Perfect elbow smash! Bruno falls to the mat. You get him in a head lock, but his shaved head slips free. Then you see it. The famous Bruno the Sledge "Eye of Terror," the look of death. You're in trouble now!
Mat Mania Challenge provides all the thrills and spills of professional wrestling. Do you have what it takes to survive brain busters and pile drivers? If you have the skills, the championship belt will be yours!
Alien Brigade is a side scrolling shooter similar to Operation Wolf. Aliens have arrived on earth and have brainwashed both soldiers and civilians in order to take over the world. Your job is to stop them! On each of the five levels you will have a different objective to complete, including saving civilians and destroying alien installations. Throughout the levels there will be numerous aliens and brainwashed people you will need to shoot, as well as attacking tanks, helicopters, and more. After shooting enemies a bonus may sometimes be left behind; if you shoot this, you can earn additional ammo, more powerful weapons, or increased health. If you don't shoot fast enough and are hit by enemy fire your health will slowly decrease; the game ends when all of your health is gone.
Ninja Golf is an Atari 7800 video game which combines scrolling beat 'em up with golf simulation gameplay. Released in 1990, it later gained some renown for its outlandish subject matter and unique blend of gameplay styles.
The player starts each hole by aiming his ball and shooting it toward the green. He then runs toward the ball, in traditional sidescroller fashion, fighting various enemies encountered along the way. These enemies include other ninjas, gophers, birds, giant mutant frogs, sharks and more.
The enemies faced depends on the environment the ninja golfer is currently in. Sharks are encountered in water hazards and snakes in the sand traps. Ninjas are encountered in all the environments, including underwater.
From the crack of the bat, make split-second decisions as you choose which fielder makes the play. Throw popular Major League pitches - fast balls, curves, change-ups, screwballs and sinkers. (Spitballs?) Head-to-head action with your friends or against the computer. Complete TV-like coverage, with six camera angles you're always right there where the action is. Play to a packed stadium complete with cheering crowd and organist.
Having been shown several years ago at classic gaming events, the Atari 7800 prototype Missing in Action has finally seen the light of day! AtariAge user Mitch recently acquired the only known prototype of this game to exist and has graciously shared the binary with the community so everyone may enjoy it. Missing in Action is based on the 1984 movie of the same name, featuring Chuck Norris as the protagonist. The game is a side-scrolling beat 'em up, taking place in Vietnam during the height of the Vietnam War. As Colonel James Braddock, a captured POW, your mission is to escape from an internment camp, rescue captured POWs, free the American embassy, and kill the evil drug czar. Had it been completed, Missing in Action would have been an impressive addition to the 7800 library. As it stands, this prototype is about 85% complete and is quite playable.
Baseball is an action game which can be played by two players or one player against the computer. The game allows you to bunt the ball or try for a homerun, steal bases, and throw several types of pitches from a fast ball to a curve ball. Several game variations are included which allow you to select whether the home or visiting team is at bat first, and whether or not a player can swing only at pitches that are a strike, or they can swing at any pitch.
In Water Ski you are water skiing on the Pharonna River. You control both the boat and skier in this vertically scrolling action game. Your goal is to reach the finish line before time runs out and also to earn as many points as possible. The river is quite dangerous, and features many twists and turns along with rocks, logs and other obstacles. For bonus points there are numerous ramps located throughout the river which your skier can jump over (and if you can manage to ski over every ramp on the level, you'll earn even more points!). You start the game with four skiers, and the game ends when all of you skiers have crashed.
Tank Command is a vertically scrolling action game. You control a tank on a mission to capture the enemy flag as well as earn as many points as possible. To do this, you will need to blast your way through their defenses on three levels of increasing difficulty. Blocking your progress are enemy tanks, pillboxes, missiles, jeeps, infantry, huts, and more, all of which earn you points when destroyed. Your tank is equipped with a limited amount of fuel and ammo, however it can be replenished occasionally by collecting the bonus icons when they appear on the screen. If you can make it past all of the obstacles and capture the flag, then you win the game!
The 7800 is pretty much void of super-rare games like the 2600'?s Tooth Protectors and Chase the Chuckwagon, but don't worry, tracking down Tank Command in a box will cost you a pretty penny. As far as gameplay goes, Tank Command is not going to blow anyone away. Here you have a vertical scroller like Commando or Ikari Warriors minus the charm, quality level design,
Your Dad got you an after-school job at the factory where he works. You need the money 'cuz being the most radical boarder around means you've got heavy expenses.
The job is a skateboarder's dream come true. Miles of halls and tubes to perfect your moves. Just cruise through and turn off all the machines and lights in the factory. Hurry up 'cuz power is leaking out fast!
Naturally, there's a catch. You get paid depending on how much power you save. And you've got to be out of the factory by 5:15 pm today. One second more and you'll never make the deadline for entering the Skateboarding Championship.
You and Grandpa are down on the farm. There are critters, bottles, and varmints everywhere -- in the barn, in the yard, and in the cornfield. Grandpa has given you an Atari light gun to help protect the farm. The moving targets are a challenge. Can you hit them? If not, try the veggies! They're fun to shoot at.
In the barnyard, bottles and cans on the fence provide great practive for warming up the old shootin' iron. But perfect aim alone isn't enough. You'll need speed, too.
In the cornfield, birds swoop from the sky and rabbits scamper among the stalks, Owls and other pests appear inside a barn. Each scene can only be reached by hitting enough targest in the scene before. Once you zero in on some fancy shooting scores, Gramps offers you a bonus round by tossing target bottles in the air.