You play as Charley trying to eat an ice cream cone. But first you must avoid the chefs that are out to get you: Angelo, Zorba, Oscar, and Jacques. Avoid the food thrown at you by the chefs to get the cone. You can also throw your own food at the chefs to slow them down.
Make a 2048 tile!
The game is played on a 4 x 4 board and the player starts with two number 2 tiles.
Each turn where the player makes a valid move, another number 2 tile is added to the game board (a valid move is moving the tiles, or combining tiles). If you try to move in such a way that no move is completed, a turn is not registered and no new number "2" is added to the board.
You make new tiles by combining the tiles already on the board. Combine 2 and 2 to make a 4, combine 4 and 4 to make an 8 and so on, combine a 1024 and 1024 to make a 2048.
Game over occurs when the board is full and you no longer have a valid move available (ie no way to move or combine tiles).
It sounds way more complex that it is.
A version of asteroids released for Atari 7800, plays similarly to the original arcade with VASTLY improved graphics to where the ship and the asteroids themselves are more defined in the color and asthetics they're presented in.
Dig Dug is a 1-2 player arcade game in which you have to use your shovel to dig your way through the earth. Stopping you from doing this are two monsters, called Pooka and Fygar, who will continually chase you around. The only weapon that you carry is an air pump, which you can use to inflate the monsters to the point where they explode. (if you start to inflate them but stop doing so, the monsters will get turned back to their normal selves). Furthermore, rocks are scattered throughout the earth, and you can use these rocks to squash them. If the monsters do not find you for several seconds, they will eventually get turned into ghosts, which can walk through the earth. They are invincible and cannot be killed. From time to time, vegetables will appear in the center, and you can get these for points.
In Water Ski you are water skiing on the Pharonna River. You control both the boat and skier in this vertically scrolling action game. Your goal is to reach the finish line before time runs out and also to earn as many points as possible. The river is quite dangerous, and features many twists and turns along with rocks, logs and other obstacles. For bonus points there are numerous ramps located throughout the river which your skier can jump over (and if you can manage to ski over every ramp on the level, you'll earn even more points!). You start the game with four skiers, and the game ends when all of you skiers have crashed.
Baseball is an action game which can be played by two players or one player against the computer. The game allows you to bunt the ball or try for a homerun, steal bases, and throw several types of pitches from a fast ball to a curve ball. Several game variations are included which allow you to select whether the home or visiting team is at bat first, and whether or not a player can swing only at pitches that are a strike, or they can swing at any pitch.
From the crack of the bat, make split-second decisions as you choose which fielder makes the play. Throw popular Major League pitches - fast balls, curves, change-ups, screwballs and sinkers. (Spitballs?) Head-to-head action with your friends or against the computer. Complete TV-like coverage, with six camera angles you're always right there where the action is. Play to a packed stadium complete with cheering crowd and organist.
B*nq is a Q*Bert clone brought to the Atari 7800 by Ken Siders. The object of b*nQ is to score as many points as possible by jumping on cubes, jumping on green objects, and luring the snake cop to his death. When all of the cubes have been changed to the “change to” color, you will advance to the next round.
You're out on a dream court for a hot game of One-on-One. You're the Bird. Or you're Dr. J. And that's the last decision you'll have much time to make. You can play against the computer of challenge a friend. Your capabilities -- and your opponent's -- will be just like those of All-Stars Larry Bird and Julius (Dr. J) Erving. The computer knows their shooting percentages (guarded and unguarded) and their pet shots. Your scoring ability will depend on your timing, how effectively you're being guarded, and where you're shooting from. Like the game of basketball itself, One-on-One rewards you for playing with your head as well as your hands. Master the joystick moves, sharpen your timing, hone your reflexes until you can handle the Pro level... and don't let the other guy out-think you.