G Generation-F is a strategy game that allows the player to reenact essentially every Gundam series and sidestory from the original to Gundam X. One of the most thorough G Gens to date.
Beatmania Append 5thMix: Time to Get Down was released on March 2nd, 2000 as a countpart of beatmania 5thMIX -Time to get down-. It has a total of 49 songs, including five additional.
All the top WWF Superstars! Largest interactive backstage area ever! Most advanced season mode - Make decisions affecting rivalries, backstage story lines and tag teams. Revolutionary Create-a-Superstar - Sliding scales, movies, and personality variables. All signature moves, taunts and mannerisms - From Elbow to Eyebrow!
Developed by Sony Computer Entertainment America and published under the 989 Sports label. Once again, Vin Scully is the play-by-play announcer with Dave Campbell on color commentary. Chipper Jones of the Atlanta Braves was featured on the cover.
The rough and tumble world of professional kickboxing comes to the PlayStation with K-1 Grand Prix. Choose from 16 professional kickboxers including Andy Hug, Musashi, and Ernesto Hoost, and if you don't like any of the professional contenders, create your own. After choosing the right avatar, jump into the ring for some training. Once you are ready for some competition, you can try to win a Tournament, but those players looking for a real challenge should play the Career mode. This is where you try to work your way from the bottom of the rankings to the championship. Between each bout, spend time training; how well you perform each training task will reward you with points that can be spent on new moves and combinations. Do you have the grit and determination to become the best in K-1 Grand Prix?
Prism Land is a bat and ball type of game that started with Breakout in the late 70's and in classics games like Arkanoid.
In Prism Land you play as Prism and Rhythm (a cat and a fairy) who set out to save the seven trapped guardians of the land in a game very similar in gameplay to Breakout. You play through the stages with the cat holding a magic paddle at the bottom of the screen bouncing a ball across the screen to break all the pieces set up on the stage.
There are 6 worlds (forest, sea, cloud etc.); each of which have 9 levels plus a boss level. You may play the worlds in any order you like except for the last world (the castle world) which is available when all the others are complete. You select which world to play from a game map.
Dangan is a action multiscroll game that is set in a near future and puts the player in control of 2 counter-terrorist agents (Jack & Kate) that will have to defeat different enemies during 8 different operations.
The game features a top down view and different weapons to choose and use.
Snowboarding consists of racing downhill and performing death-defying stunts. For speed fans, the Race Mode allows players to race against the clock or two computer-controlled opponents.
This is a cartoon style tennis challenge that requires all your skill! Pick a character and journey through the game's tournament mode, or simply try your hand in free mode. Choose from different court surfaces and different match setup options. Offering games for one to four players, All Star Tennis is a great way to enjoy the action on centre court! Choose from sixteen different characters. Each one plays in their own individual style. Choose from various match options: Singles, Doubles, number of sets, difficulty level... it's all there! Different court surfaces affect gameplay. Choose from Hard, Grass and Clay courts. Multi Tap compatibility means one to four players can get in on the action.
Build big machine muscle as you learn to operate heavy construction equipment that looks, feels, sounds and runs just like the real thing --- from rumbling bulldozers to hard-working dump trucks and high reaching cranes. Once you train to earn your construction licenses, you can start building a huge department store. So get in gear, move dirt and haul butt. Dirt Jockey fulfills the fantasy of operating heavy equipment for kids of all ages.
Agetec's Snowboarding consists of racing downhill and performing death-defying stunts. For speed fans, the Race Mode allows players to race against the clock or two computer-controlled opponents. For those more interested in catching big air, Snowboarding's Trick Mode requires gamers to perform numerous maneuvers to gain more time to complete courses. In both modes, gamers can choose from one of three different boarder characters as they ride through the game's 27 different courses. Additionally, each of these courses can be tackled by two players at once in a horizontally divided split-screen.
A stable of 1500 horse make up the mighty steed database in Gallop Racer 2000. The gameplay's simple enough where you get on the saddle and race your equine to the winning post while thundering competitors strive for the same goals. This version allow players to create their own "dream horse". Other new feature will include new horses being allowed to inherit the abilities of their parents. This game is the last one in the Gallop Racer series for PSone. These are the game modes: - Season mode - Practice mode - Vs Mode - Dream Cup mode
A Playstation expanded version of the original Black/Matrix that "crosses" between the original Saturn version and the expanded Dreamcast release, Black/Matrix Advanced. Removing additions that existed in the previous versions, such as specific story scenes by replacing anime cutscenes with ones that use CGI, along with an epilogue for a certain ending.