Mystery Objects is a logic game for the Apple II.
The player is presented with 6 objects, and must determine which object is hiding within the mystery box. To do this, the player can use tools to measure the color, weight, size, texture, smell, and shape of the object. The player must try to guess the object with the fewest tools as possible. There are 3 levels of difficulty.
The object of the game is to capture or kill Lord Futz. In order to do this, you must conquer the Futz soldiers with the aid of various devices, passing through 16 screens of hi-res action.
You control Fred. Fred's job is to jump the cannonball barreling toward him. When he reaches the end of a platform, he has to climb a ladder to the next platform and do it all again. Reach the top of the screen and find yourself in a different challenge!
You are an eyeball in outer space. You shoot at the floating objects in your quadrant until they're all gone at which point you begin a new level with different objects. Ad infinitum. This is very much like Asteroids.
The idea of this arcade game is deceptively simple: Guide a marble down a path without hitting any obstacles or straying off the course. The game is viewed from an isometric perspective, which makes it harder to stay focused on the direction the ball is to follow. There are tight corridors to follow and enemies to avoid. There is a 2-player mode in which players must race to the finish; otherwise you're racing against the clock.
Megabots is a futuristic strategy game that utilizes 3D graphics, animation, music and sound effects.
The game begins with an introduction to set the scene before the player enters a grid filled with robots that might be good or bad. The objective to find a power cell within the grid to move on to the next level. Good robots can be interrogated for information. Bad robots must be destroyed with the right weapon before you can move past them. The strategy element comes from choosing the right weapons for the bad robots, and navigating the grid based on the information received to find the power cell before the player's own power reserve is depleted.
Rhyme Land is a simple rhyming game for the Apple II.
Players can choose from a number of different cartoon animals, including: foxes, cats, mice, dragons, frogs, bees, and snakes. They then must choose if the displayed words rhyme or don't rhyme with the animal.
Rhymo's Falling Star is 1 - 2 player educational word game for the Apple II.
Players compete in 3 slightly different challenges, where they must type matching rhyming words. In each challenge, the player must complete a total of 15 rhyming words to either help Rhymo catch a falling star, save creatures from a dying planet, or reach his spaceship. Each challenge contains 2 different difficulty levels. At the easier level, the player must type the two words that rhyme. At the harder level, the player is given a word with the first letter missing, and the player must choose 2 of 5 letters that will complete this word. As the player successfully answers questions, they get closer to their goal of helping Rhymo.
Rhymo's Falling Star is 1 - 2 player educational word game for the Apple II.
Players compete in 3 slightly different challenges, where they must type matching rhyming words. In each challenge, the player must complete a total of 15 rhyming words to either help Rhymo catch a falling star, save creatures from a dying planet, or reach his spaceship. Each challenge contains 2 different difficulty levels. At the easier level, the player must type the two words that rhyme. At the harder level, the player is given a word with the first letter missing, and the player must choose 2 of 5 letters that will complete this word. As the player successfully answers questions, they get closer to their goal of helping Rhymo.