The setting is a demonic casino with bosses themed around different casino games- Black Jack, Bingo, Slot Machines, and yourself with a Roulette themed weapon. Earn chips, place bets, and become more powerful!
A bite-sized Game Boy eat-em-up made in GB Studio. Escape the Tomb of Eetemhup in a first-person dungeon crawler style, but with fast paced action combat. 7 short but difficult levels in total. Lots of mysterious creatures to eat.
A collection of five interactive narratives exploring a variety of dreamscapes which, interwoven, tell the story of a shattering dreamer.
Befriend fallen angels, spelunk impossible ruins, find love amidst regal bugs, get in poetry battles with forest critters or delve into a pastry-making bureaucracy. Soporfall valley is yours!
Stimulation Clicker is a fast-paced clicker game where players click a button to accumulate "stimulation" points. These points can be used to automate point collection and unlock various upgrades and achievements. The game intentionally overloads the player with visual and auditory stimuli, mirroring the chaotic nature of the modern internet.
Penguin Origins strives to deliver an experience reminiscent of the original game, based on when it started nearly 20 years ago. Enjoy the original looks and feels of how it started, with some remixed elements!
The world of Terranimalium was a peaceful and diverse world filled with biomes and animals of every kind… No wander the aliens would want to take it- But you and your friends aren’t going to let that happen!
In This House is a horror-adventure video game for Nintendo Game Boy, Analogue Pocket and PC. It uses timeless four-color 8-bit graphics to tell a universal story about the struggle for one's identity within a family.