Mitsume ga Tōru ("The Three-Eyed One") is a platformer for the Famicom and MSX that is based on Osamu Tezuka's manga of the same name, and specifically takes its cue from the 1990-91 anime serial adaptation that aired on TV Tokyo.
The manga/anime/game concerns Hosuke Sharaku, the last of an ancient race of three-eyed mystics which helped build the pyramids among other wonders. Unfortunately, Hosuke's true personality, which reveals itself whenever his third eye is open, is a megalomaniacal sorcerer of considerable power. He is far friendlier when the eye is concealed behind a bandage or scarf.
In the game, Hosuke's friend Wato is kidnapped by another three-eyed man, Prince Godaru, who attacks the city with his enormous battle tank Gomorrah. Hosuke chases after them across a number of 2D action levels, including jungles, ancient pyramids and a haunted ship.