Blood of Bahamut

A city rests on the back of a great monster known as Gigant. It comes under attack and you must defend the city as you fight along with Gigant against this threat.


A game created by Square Enix featuring two main characters Ibuki and Yui who live atop the back of a giant creature known as Gigant.  Square Enix had a special teaser site with a countdown to build anticipation for the reveal of this title.  The game was also shown in Shonen Jump but little is known about the gameplay still.  Obvious similarities have been drawn to Shadow of the Colossus although that is certainly a fair and flattering comparison.


battle sequence against colossus
battle sequence against colossus
As Ibuki and Yui, you must defend Gigant against attackers or comparable proportions.  This means you'll be fighting colossal creatures and the games first trailer demonstrates that such a daunting task will be undertaken by performing actions like running up the creatures arm and attacking it's head.  


The music for Blood of Bahamut was composed by Naoshi Mizuta. Track listing: 
OST Album Cover 
OST Album Cover 
  1. Blood of Bahamut
  2. Sturdy Being
  3. The Colossus Awakens
  4. The Colossus Giganto
  5. Time to Counterattack
  6. Tactics Completed!
  7. Seven Comrades
  8. Somebody to Protect
  9. The Offensive
  10. Tragedy
  11. The Silver Wolf Colossus
  12. Dawn of the Millennium
  13. A Reckless Battle
  14. Embers of Life
  15. Scorching Land
  16. The Pride of the Warrior Tribe
  17. Ferruol Ifrit
  18. At the End of the Battle
  19. Travelling Family
  20. The Colossus of the Assassin's Blade
  21. Ancient Memories
  22. Two Heroes
  23. Travel of Freedom
  24. The Ice Queen
  25. Tactics Accomplished!
  26. Legend
  27. Hidden Feelings
  28. Blood Guidance
  29. The Last Ordeal
  30. Promise
  31. The God Administrator of Purgatory
  32. Assemble Under This Flag
  33. To Trusted Friends