Snake Cubed is an Android game in the arcade genre. It is a recreation of the traditional Snake game seen on other platforms throughout the years, only mapped on to a freely rotating three dimensional cube.
Pepper II is a maze game with zip! The object of Pepper II is simple enough, all you do is zip closed sections of the maze and they will become filled with color. Zip in all the sections of the maze and it's complete. However, if you backtrack you might unzip your path, so be careful! Each stage has four mazes you must complete to move on, but you can move from maze to maze by using the exits located at the top, bottom, and sides of the screen. And don't forget about the bad guys trying to take you out all the while. If one touches you you're toast! You can fight back by zipping sections of the maze closed that contain power-ups that will make you invincible for a short time or clear the screen of all the baddies. The game keeps getting harder as you progress to higher stages.
In Radar Rat Race the player plays the role of a blue mouse, that has to search for cheese in a labyrinth within a certain time. To make it a bit harder, you are followed by several red mice which bring you certain death when you crash into one of them. As the red mice outnumber you, you should take into account that you might get encircled by several mice. A further peril are the black cats, which lure behind some of the corners. Into those also the red mice can run, but they are only delayed by the cat and not killed. With a "Star Screen" - a trace of stars that can be left behind by the blue mouse - you can temporarily disable followers which are too close.
You are a diver in an underwater maze. Throughout the maze are valuable diamonds, and your goal is to retrieve as many as you can. In the middle of the screen is a shark cage where you begin. As you collect diamonds you need to bring them back to the shark cage in order to earn points. Swimming back and forth constantly is a deadly shark. If the shark encounters any of the diamonds, it will eat them; likewise you can also be eaten by the shark, causing you to lose a life. You have no defense against the shark, however you are immune if you are in the shark cage and the doors are closed. Somewhere in the maze the Loch Ness monster remains hidden. If you disturb the monster, it will continuously chase you unless you can lead it back into one of the caves located in the corners of the screen.
Tied in with the movie "Krull". Playing Prince Colwyn, you must survive five events which repeat after completion. Increasing difficulty. It uses a dual joystick control panel.
You play Duncan the penguin, who enjoys skating on thin ice-- especially around the other penguins. The goal of this game is exactly that; to skate around the other penguins, dunking them into the frigid water while consuming tasty shrimp cocktails (to make him go faster). Duncan has to watch out for the evil seal and polar bear, who both like to bat Duncan about! If you can manage to sink all the penguins, you move onto the next level-- where even more penguins await to be dunked.
You have to raft down a river in the shortest time possible while dodging several obstacles. If you loose one of your men you try to pick him up again before he hits one of the obstacles in the river. You loose when all your men have drowned.
Jason has taken the Golden Fleece from the gods! They are naturally upset and have imprisoned Jason in the Temple of Aphrodite with deadly Furies running overhead. You control Jason and your goal is to eliminate all of the Furies to move on to the next level. The Furies can be destroyed if they are hit with a magical brick from the roof of the temple. You are armed with an unlimited supply of stones, throwing a stone at the roof will cause a brick to fall (be careful, you'll lose a life if you hit yourself with a falling brick instead of the Furies). When a Fury is hit by a brick it is destroyed, but if you accidentally hit a Fury with a stone then it will multiply! The Furies will also be firing at you, and if you'll lose a life if hit. The game ends when you have no more lives left in reserve. Several difficulty levels are available.
Percy The Potty Pigeon is a 1984 computer game developed by Shaun Hollingworth and released by Gremlin Graphics for the Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum. The goal was to fly around and collect sticks to build your nest. The player could also deficate on cars, and make them crash.
This game marks the beginning of Ben Daglish as a composer, although all he did was write the notes for the death tune in the game, it is still this game that got him into composing game music for the Commodore 64. The Commodore 64 version was programmed by Anthony Crowther.
Gameplay is a variation of the snake genre, in which players compete by surrounding each other with lines of dominos. Players change direction via a set of four directional buttons representing up, down, right, and left respectively. A player loses when they hit a wall, their own dominos, or their opponent's, at which point all the dominos in their line "fall" down.
Destroyer is a single player 1977 arcade game developed and published by Atari, Inc. The playfield displays your ship moving across the surface (displayed as a wavy line) and submarines moving across the screen. The target depth is set using a dial control (displayed as a dashed line). Depth charges are dropped by pushing the dial control. The speed of your ship is controlled using a speed lever control. Charges that miss make a low boom. Charges that hit make a louder boom and trigger an explosion sequence. Points are awarded for successful hits. The game is timed, so the goal is to sink or destroy as many submarines as possible before the time expires.
In this Space Invaders variant, the player controls a gun turret at the bottom of the screen and fires missiles at incoming alien ships. The turret can move both left and right and hide behind three protective barriers. The alien invaders move left and right, fire missiles at the player, and slowly approach the planet surface - if they land, the player loses the game. Every once in a while, an alien mothership will fly across the top of the screen and shooting it will give the player extra points. The goal of the game is to destroy all alien ships in each attacking wave and score as many points as possible. The game ends when players lose their three lives.
In order to stop another Ice Age from occurring, Vail the Avenger must make a trek across the frozen lands in order to reach the Ice Palace of Kalktron the Terrible and put a stop to his evil plans to freeze the land. He will have to ski through a herd of Caribou, cross the frozen river, and then take on the many dangers of the Ice Palace in order to stop Kalktron. Can he stop another Ice Age?
Clumsy Clarence is vacationing on a tropical island with his girlfriend Doris. Unfortunately, their vacation is interrupted when Doris is kidnapped by the bully Beach Bruiser. Now Clarence needs to rescue Doris by chasing the Beach Bruiser all over the island! The Beach Bruiser will be carrying Doris to the right and the screen scrolls to follow. You need guide Clarence and catch up to Doris. There are many obstacles on the screen which temporarily slow down your progress. Coconuts, ferns, clams, sand snakes, and lava will all appear in your way. If you get slowed down too much and hit the left side of the screen, you lose one of your lives. From time to time, Doris will drop a handkerchief; collect this and you become temporarily invincible! If you catch Doris, you then move on to the next section of the island; when each section of the island has been completed you then need to battle the Beach Bruiser on a bridge. If you're successful, the game will then repeat at a more difficult skill level.
As the sun sets, Dracula rises, hungry for the blood of fresh victims. As Dracula, the goal of this game is to stalk the streets at night, feeding on people walking the streets, or by luring them out of their homes. As Dracula bites his victims, his actions will call the attention of the local constable who will try to slow him down by driving a stake into him. Dracula can respond by either turning one of his victims into zombies to attack the police, or by transforming into a bat to escape capture. Even the forces of nature are against the vampire, as wolves will attack him on foot, and hawks will drag away his bat form. Dracula must feed on a certain number of victims and return to his tomb before sunrise, or he will not survive to feed another night.