This game is inspired by Dinosaur Game, also known as T-Rex Game and Dino Runner from Google Chrome and it was written for the Retro-Trex game jam of Retro Programmers Inside and Phaze101.
Run as far as you can while avoiding obstacles such as cacti, rocks, birds, etc.
Every 50 points you go to the next level
Chainsaw Maniac was a browser-based game made to promote the PlayStation 2 release of Resident Evil 4.
Chainsaw Manaic involved moving left and right into incoming chainsaw Ganado to defeat them in in Nintendo "Game & Watch" styled graphics.
Two competitions were also held where players could win a copy of Resident Evil 4 for PlayStation 2, a PlayStation 2 Chainsaw Controller, or a T-shirt designed for the competition.
Twin Brats is 2D action game - a clone of Lady Bug or PacMan. The player controls a character who looks like a child in diapers. He must collect all dots from the arena, and avoids enemies (and deadly skulls). He can use otating doors to escape from enemies or trap them. The game is adult themed - a picture of a naked woman shows up after each passing level (something that the new IP owner, Piko Interactive, removed from the Evercade VS release.)
One Halloween morning, your son crashes the lawnmower into the neighbor’s shed.
Strangely, the neighbor doesn’t seem mad, but he gives your son a juju.
This results in your house being invaded by zombies!
One at a time, you must carry your family members downstairs to the exits of the house.
If a zombie touches you, you’ll have to eat some human flesh to survive. (Sorry, family!)
Play as Dad or Mom, or have a friend join you and play together in simultaneous two-player action!
What will you do? Save your family or eat their flesh... It’s up to you!
The objective is to eat as many alien bugs as possible while you avoid crashing with the walls, snake's own body and tombstones. Aliens can jump after some time. Stages will change after enough aliens have been eaten.
A simple endless runner game for Sega Mega Drive \ Sega Genesis. You play the role of a gnome who runs towards his fate, despite the obstacles he may face.
Sling grog to a motley group of thirsty patrons while collecting the empty bottles they send back. Miss an empty bottle or serve a drink to an empty bar and you will lose a life. Difficulty and number of patrons increases as you move through the levels.
In Doomed PETSCII Pacman, almost everything works a little bit differently. For example, eating power pellets can have terrible effects, but they are needed to level up. Eating ghosts is deadly in any case.
Unlike conventional Pac-Man with Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde, Doomed PETSCII Pac-Man also has Zinky and Drinky. Don't expect to enjoy this game – it's not designed for that.
You are Atoz and you love eating letters. But you can only tolerate them if you take them in alphabetical order. Therefore, if you don't follow the alphabetical order or eat a brick, the game is over.
Once you have eaten all the letters, the next level moves a little faster.
Inspired by Disney's Aladdin movie, you take control of Aladdin riding a carpet, dodging arrows and collecting hearts. Eric Carr, the programmer behind this game, ran out of space for hearts, but still arrived at a fun little endless dodging game that starts slow and quickly gets difficult.
You play as a bird with a baseball cap on a search to find a new floating island after their first one crumbles. Instead of jumping off platforms, you flap your wings in mid air to propel yourself in the direction you're aiming.
High speed, airborne, arcade action! Bounce the ball off platforms to gain score, hit targets to multiply incoming score, and avoid falling off the map.