The US version of the Collector's Edition includes:
- Injustice: Gods Among Us video game
- Exclusive 12" (30 cm.) figurine statue featuring Batman and Wonder Woman
- Official DC Comic Book “Injustice: Gods Among Us” details the events leading up to Injustice: Gods Among Us video game
- 3 exclusive skins based on Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman from DC COMICS – THE NEW 52
- Digital download copy of DOOM: JUSTICE LEAGUE movie
The EU version of the Collector's Edition includes:
- Steelbook case version of the Injustice: Gods Among Us video game Collector's Box
- Exclusive 9" (23 cm.) figurine statue featuring Batman and Wonder Woman
- Official DC Comic Book “Injustice: Gods Among Us” details the events leading up to - Injustice: Gods Among Us video game
- 3 exclusive skins based on Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman from DC COMICS – THE NEW 52
Dream vs. Dream is a community-developed fighting game based off the characters and locations found in Yume Nikki and its various spin-offs and fangames.
Dead or Alive 5 Plus is a fighting game in the Dead or Alive series and the enhanced port of Dead or Alive 5. DOA5+ introduces new training options, such as Command Training to practice attacks, Combo Challenge to master combos, and a free training mode enabling players to focus on the particular attacks they want to learn. It also features cross-platform abilities, enabling the users of different PlayStation systems to fight online matches, to share downloadable content from the PlayStation Store with the original version, and to swap the save data between the PS3 and Vita. In addition to the normal control system, Plus features optional touchscreen-based moves in the Touch Play Mode, where the fights are seen via a first-person perspective view and the players touch, flick, and pinch the screen to attack their opponents. It also offers to the game's breast motion physics with three settings: stilled, "Natural", and "DOA".
Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 promises to unleash a tornado of ninja action and adventure that the franchise is known for, with over eighty playable characters, advanced online modes and enhanced fighting mechanics that allow anyone to become a ninja master.
Play Saban's Power Rangers Super Samurai for Kinect. You'll be able to morph into a Ranger, play like a Ranger and Train like a Ranger. Co-op play promotes teamwork and Training Mode promotes fitness. Experience multiple levels of difficulty as you defeat the last boss. With each higher level, you will be able to acquire new Weapon Power Ups. Samurai Rangers, Victory is Ours.
The 2012 entry of the Climax Heroes series. The controls and mechanics have been revamped, with playstyles similar to a free-roam Marvel vs Capcom. Several tertiary Riders were added to the roster.
The original Fighting Vipers re-released in late 2012 on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live as one of five games included in the Sega Model 2 Collection. The re-release features online play but does not contain any of the extra content found in the Saturn version.
Sonic The Fighters is an arcade fighting game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. This digital high-definition port of was released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on November 2012. As of April 2016, the Xbox 360 version of Sonic the Fighters is compatible with Xbox One
Rabbids have escaped from your cartridge all over your Nintendo 3DS and found their way into the real world. You must collect them throughout 7 worlds full of mini games and bring the complete collection back, one battle at the time!
When Vikings Attack! plays like an arena melee brawler game. The only hard rule is that throwing objects are only allowed. Players control a small group of civilians fighting hordes of vikings. The objective is to pick up objects and throw to knock out enemies. Every vikings and civilians are fragile to every strike from a thrown object and will be knocked out in one hit. Each time an object collides with a figure, they're knocked out and excluded from the group, but larger or wide objects may even knock out an entire group, resulting in the player being eliminated. Lost civilians can be replaced by recruiting stray people roaming field. The game also features special items to be thrown such as explosive bombs for an area of effect attack.
Its a remaster from the original game enhanced and re-mastered in HD, alongside full Trophy and Achievements support, replacing all the original ost and adding Budokai Tenkaichi series soundtrack.
The game is an HD collection that features both Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 1 and Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 enhanced and re-mastered in HD, alongside full Trophy and Achievements support. The graphics of Budokai 3 HD are similar to those of Dragon Ball Z: W Bakuretsu Impact. Since Kenji Yamamoto's original soundtracks have been accused of plagiarism, both included games have entirely new soundtracks mixed from the soundtracks of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3, Dragon Ball: Raging Blast, Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team, and Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi, plus entirely new music and the American Dragon Ball Z theme song from the original game and show. Both games also support the optional original Japanese language track (but in Europe, only Japanese is available for Budokai 1, much like the original release).