This is the ultimate Battlefield V experience. Enter mankind’s greatest conflict across land, air, and sea with all gameplay content unlocked from the get-go. Choose from the complete arsenal of weapons, vehicles, and gadgets and immerse yourself in the hard-fought battles of World War 2. Stand out on the battlefield with the complete roster of Elites and the best customization content of Year 1 and Year 2.
SHAPESHOOTER is literally an on-rail shooter, you'll have to clear colonies across 4 planets from a little creatures infestation called polygoneers. But that's not important, you'll not get a story here. You'll get frenetic action, insane music and a super hard challenge! is a 2D multiplayer browser shooter with fully destructible terrain. The game features multiple distrinct game modes and maps to play in. In your arsenal you have dozens of weapons, grenades, special tools and perks to choose from. The main feature of the game is the destructable buildings, which allow for creative tactical descisions to be made. The map also evolves over time as more and more of it gets destroyed. Bigger maps include driveable vehicles like jeeps and tanks.
Even with the Hell Cult gone, the dead don’t rest in this brand-new Zombie Army 4 campaign mission! Battle your way through the terrifying frozen North towards a new Hell Storm, on the trail of a missing scientist and scout team! Can the deadhunters find their allies in time, or will the mountain take its toll?
A retro mix of a shoot 'em up gameplay with RPG elements, DreadStar: The Quest for Revenge is inspired by the likes of Tyrian, Raiden and Donpachi. Fast-paced with a primary focus on gunplay rather than bullet hell, DreadStar gives you incremental ways of not only pushing through content, but also improving your ship and its loadout (such as experience, leveling and skill points).
If you’re struggling with a sector, you can warp over to Redbeard’s Burrow to spend credits, upgrade your ship and return to where you failed. From Gauss Cannons to Lazer Beams, Hadron Exploders to weapon cooling - ship improvements are key to not only choosing your playstyle but progressing through harder difficulties.
With its 4:3 display and CRT mode, to its multiple difficulty settings that offer replayability across its 6 sectors, DreadStar provides an authentic retro experience.
Four small to medium-sized spooky Halloween maps: an arctic outpost, a Q2-textured mining complex, a pumpkin spice latte franchise place, and an infinite horde arena. Comes with a few new features, a custom skybox and new sounds.
The Mapwich 2 is a collaborative megawad for Doom II, first released on October 2020. A sequel to the previous year's The Mapwich, the project was led by Bridgeburner56 and was once again based around the idea of pairing up mappers for each of the levels in the set, but also having the pairs be randomly chosen: the result was contributions of 45 mappers, for a total of 22 maps. Unlike its predecessor, Mapwich 2 is built with the OTEX texture pack by ukiro and integrates the gameplay changes of the Supercharge mod by Tango.
Rogue Aces Deluxe - the definitive 2D aerial combat roguelike. Explosive single player balletic chaos with sophisticated flight controls. With 1-4 player Dogfight Deathmatch modes and unlockable bonus games. Fly with panache and maintain your moustache!
RealRTCW is an overhaul mod for critically acclaimed Wolfenstein classic. It features improved visuals, expanded arsenal, rebalanced gunplay and proper modern systems support!
The spin-off to Out of Reach is a Battle Royale style game in which dozens of pirate crews face each other on the open sea, jungle islands and dark caves. Navigate your ship, bombard enemies, find gear but above all - hunt treasures!
Huge map featuring a cave system with a crypt beneath, a dungeon and some ruins; very high enemy count. It is based on the Progs_dump mod (included) and comes with a custom skybox as well as a few new sounds.
Gather your crew and get ready to reclaim Earth. Choose between a roster of specialized resistance fighters who each have a unique set of skills, a preferred range of weapons, and a rich and bloody past with the mutated monstrosities. Find the perfect combinations and synergies with the rest of your team, and watch as your enemies get decimated in an explosive symphony.
Made for Arenas of Combat - Level Design Contest, Nature Category.
Play in an abandoned Lumber Mill, where nature is slowly reclaiming the space from the man-made structures. Fight against other players in this free for all deathmatch.
A collection of birthday maps Major Arlene made last year for various members of the Doom community who are considered to be great influences and friends.
The hellish minions left to wander in the aftermath of Korax's defeat during the battle of Cronos have now scattered across Parthoris looking for fresh meat, and a new realm to call their own. Beings of chaos roam freely, causing disarray in the realm. The citizens of Parthoris have barely had time to rebuild their lives in the wake of D'Sparil's reign of chaos, which was put to an end by a yet-unidentified outsider.
You are Corvus. You have laid low for a while in the dockside town of Port Mercy, and become aware of the situation almost immediately. Portals open in every corner of the town, legions of the damned pouring forth and slaughtering the populace. Stepping out into the pouring rain, you come to a scene of fresh blood dashed against the cobbles, deep red tendrils of it snaking into the gutters, and raging monsters bellowing vicious cries of revenge as the townsfolk meet a gruesome end.
They smell your blood and close in on you. Standing at the foot of the belltower, you brandish your elvenwand and confro
Medium-sized terracotta/red brick castle based on the Progs_dump mod (included). Comes with a custom skybox and a few new sounds/models. The map and QC sources are included.