A port of the classic computer game, A.E. (Which stands for Anti Environmental) is a most unusual 5200 prototype. It was never announced by Atari nor was it mentioned in any internal documents. A.E. is an arcade style shooting game in which you have to shoot down waves of evil flying mechanical stingrays in order to save your planet.
The Atari 5200 version only has four levels as opposed to ten that the computer versions boast. The loading times for the levels are also longer due to hardware constraints of the Atari 5200.
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator is an arcade action game where you take control of the Starship Enterprise. Your mission is to save the Federation from NOMAD! Before you get a chance at destroying NOMAD, you'll have to battle your way through ten levels (each consisting of multiple rounds). In each round you may encounter Klingon fighters, deadly anti-matter saucers, asteroid fields, and deadly meteors, all of which are capable of depleting the Enterprises energy. The game ends when your energy supply has completely run out. To fight these dangers, the Enterprise is equipped with an unlimited supply of phasers and a limited supply of photon torpedoes. Each round also contains one or more starbases; if you dock at a starbase, some of your supplies (such as energy and torpedoes) will be replenished. The game is played from two points of view; the top of the screen contains a third person view of the Enterprise (along with the ships gauges), and on the bottom of the screen is a first person point of view
Choose your champion and enter the Labyrinth, survive if you can. Hades has taken over the Labyrinth, forcing souls through an arduous trial to reach the afterlife. Do you have what it takes to succeed, or will you be doomed to guard the Labyrinth for eternity?
The Game Boy Color Port of "Galaga: Destination Earth" is an Action game, developed by Pipe Dream Interactive and published by Hasbro Interactive, which was released in 2000.
Salvation sees the player take control of Grigori immediately after bidding Gordon farewell following the quarry holdout. Whilst his journey continues forwards, Grigori must now work backwards in an effort to not only leave Ravenholm behind, but cleanse it such that no parasites remain. You'll tread familiar ground made unfamiliar by the effects of Gordon's path through the town, combined with the riled-up zombie hordes out in full force, and new pathways Grigori will take to complete his exodus. Pyres will deliver some of Grigori's once-friends to a better place, and also play their part in igniting a flame that will sweep through Ravenholm. By the time you've reached the end of the mod, the entire town will be up in flames and scorched by your actions.