These are overwhelming, fully loaded shooting games. If you are a fan of Radirgy, Chaos Field, and Karasu you will love also the next burning hot burning game: Illmatic Envelope from Milestone!
Cinders of Hades is a relaxing, wave shooter arcade-style VR game that all ages will enjoy. It has some classic, arcade influences translated to VR that veteran arcade players will appreciate.
The World Hunter Pack is the third downloadable content pack for Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2. This multiplayer-centric expansion contains four all new maps for both Team Deathmatch and Squad Deathmatch modes.
The PlayStation 2 version of the game is an over-the-shoulder third-person shooter, much like 007: Everything or Nothing. This version excludes missions such as "Miami Airport" and "Train", but it adds missions such as "Docks", the Port-au-Prince part of the movie.
As a new Pvt on camp Greenwood you will be tested to sharpen your skills as you quickly try to finish each trial. Good luck Pvt as you try your best to work as quickly as possible.
It’s mari-time for mayhem! Josiah, a mischievous sailor, made himself invaluable to the Resistance when he deployed field troops on daring raids across the Mediterranean. Now, he does his part in the zombie kill squads of Italy!
Loyalty to the Fuhrer? Not likely! Werner Sauer was a legend throughout the Afrika Korps for his bravery under fire, but when he put a lethal end to an occult ritual conducted by an SS Officer, he was sent to a penal battalion as punishment.
Vive la résistance! A survivor who lost her family to the Nazi scourge, Marie knows the real horror of World War 2 started long before the undead emerged. One of France’s most feared guerilla fighters, she eventually joined the team that ended Hitler’s horrifying Plan Z and never stopped fighting to rid Europe of the undead menace!
It’s time to drop in and unleash hell! When Captain Hector Jennings crashed in the Alps, he left behind more than his life in the snow. With a Paratrooper outfit salvaged from the wreckage of his aircraft, the Undead Airman himself is ready to slay in style and tear apart the undead that snatched his mortality from him in the first place!
When Plan Z was unleashed, millions of soldiers rose from the dead – but not everyone came back as a mindless ghoul! Hector crashed in the Alps during the Dead War, and isn’t going to let that whole ‘being dead’ thing get in the way of his duty as a gentleman! Just try not to catch yourself on the propeller blade sticking out of his chest.
This bundle contains SUPERHOT - the award-winning first-person shooter in which time moves only when you move - and SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE - the followup title painstakingly created over three years of grueling production to satisfy your intense need for more SUPERHOT.
During your midnight wedding in the woods a mysterious occurrence leaves you alone battling spectres.
This is a very short almost walking simulator game which tells a very short story.
A class-based infantry multiplayer first-person shooter set in the Vietnam War. Side with the Viet Cong or the U.S. Army in an intensive face to face combat in urban, suburban and rural settings of Vietnam. The game features an objective based gameplay and rewards teamwork.
Play as the unbreakable Joseph Stallion, a former professional quarterback forced to play soccer by the Nazis! Using your Ram Shackles ability, smash through hordes of Nazi soldiers from the ruins of Chicago to the vastness of space!
Play as former OSS agent and assassin, Jessica Valiant, AKA Agent Silent Death! Hot on the trail of a sinister plot, Valiant finds herself in the offices of Paragon Pictures, Tinseltown film studio turned Nazi propaganda machine.
Gun down Nazi enemies as US Army Captain Gerald Wilkins! On the run since the Nazi war machine leveled Manhattan with an atom bomb, Wilkins returns home to reunite with an old comrade and dismantle the deadliest weapon ever made: the Sun Gun.
Stick Em Up, is a game in which you will use your skills, your wits, and your arsenal of guns and explosives to pull off cunning, exciting, and sometimes messy heists. Watch as your skills take you from robbing lonely gas stations to the most massive banks.
The nefarious Baron Umbra has been revealed as an occult mastermind, and hidden away in heavily fortified cultist territory! The only way in is through the catacombs, lead by a survivor known only as 'The Angel'. Can the Resistance reach the asylum, stop the Baron and put an end to his evil? Or will the catacombs get a few extra corpses?
You may have taken down an Undead Zeppelin, but the fight never ends in the most expansive Zombie Army 4 campaign mission yet! Battle through a massive, open-ended area as you discover the destination of a horrifying transmission, a mysterious base on the Italian coast! Can the squad put a stop to these sinister machinations, or will the coast claim another victim?