In story mode you will play through the story of the movie which takes you from the stages of Los Angeles to your home town of Crowley Corners. You also have to help Travis build a chicken house and find missing items. In between you have concerts where you will do dance moves, play keyboard, drums, guitar and sing with a microphone. The performance part is done by pressing keys or buttons in the correct order. Before starting the story mode you will have to complete a short tutorial where you will learn all the moves and the instruments. Completing tasks will give you tokens which you can use to buy more clothes, furnitures or items to your tour bus.
The PlayStation 2 party classic comes to the PS3 in an updated and network rich upgrade. Anyone that is remotely interested in SingStar knows how the title operates - it turns your console into a modern day karaoke machine: Displaying the videos and music of some classic pop songs (it comes with around 30 initially), and presenting the words with which you and a few friends (or alone if that floats your boat) can accompany on the provided microphones.
Rock Band is a music video game that allows up to four players to simulate the performance of popular rock music songs by playing with controllers modeled after musical instruments.
Rock out to your favorite music in this music and rhythm game from the creators of Guitar Hero and Rock Band.
Phase is played in a forced single-point perspective view of a three line track. Down each line come colored circles, and the player must click the corresponding button on the click wheel when the circle reaches the bottom of the screen. The circles are arranged on the track in relation to the beat of the music track being played.
Additionally, there are occasional series of smaller, more closely spaced dots that will sweep across the track. These require the player to swipe their finger across the click wheel at the correct pace, instead of clicking the wheel buttons.
The game comes with Easy, Medium, and Hard settings available for immediate play. After completing a marathon with the Hard difficulty setting, Expert mode is made available. In the same way, completing a marathon on Expert unlocks Insane mode. The difficulty settings control the speed of the track and the number of the dots, as well
Ontamarama (おんたま♪おんぷ島へん Ontama Onputouhen) is a rhythm game published by Atlus for the Nintendo DS. It was released in Japan in July 2007, and in North America on November 6, 2007. The game uses both of the DS's screens, touch functionality, and the microphone during game play.[1] The story revolves around colorful spirits called Ontama, who live on a tropical island and can create music. The player must quickly capture Ontama with the stylus while keeping up with the beat.
The eleventh installment in the SingStar series is entirely devoted to the R&B musical genre. There are 2 editions of the game, one with 2 USB microphones included (adaptor required) and another with only the game. The game is compatible with EyeToy so players can see themselves in the game.
Bop to the Top with High School Musical: Sing It!
With “High School Musical: Sing It!,” players express themselves through music with an all-new karaoke twist where they can choose their favorite “High School Musical” character and sing all of the songs from “High School Musical” and “High School Musical 2”.
Debuting as one of the first video games to have a microphone on the Wii platform, “High School Musical: Sing It!” features motion-captured-choreography from the original movie’s dance routines and offers two play modes. In story mode - players live the movies performing songs beginning from “Start of Something New” to “We’re All in this Together” and “What Time Is It?.” In party mode - friends compete karaoke-style against each other. Players can choose their favorite backdrop and belt out solos or duets of approximately 30 hit songs, including popular tunes from other familiar Disney Channel favorites.
A portable rhythm game released on 10/15/2007 that features the same scrolling shapes as the console/arcade versions of Pump It Up playable by using face buttons of the PSP system.
The latest entry in the long-running Dance Dance Revolution series, "Hottest Party" adds a Wii twist to the gameplay with hand based motions.
Gameplay is still familiar to veterans and established players. As the music plays, players use the dance pad to step to the beat, earning high ranking combos and the highest score and ranking possible. However, players can use their hands via the Wiimote and nunchuk, shaking their hands for special command icons, and allowing a new level of interactive physical play.
SingStar Rock Ballads is a karaoke game, featuring hit rock ballad songs.
The game gives points which are distributed by the purity of singing, as in how well does one manage to stay on tune. It doesn't matter if you change octaves in the middle of the song or what words are you singing in (it doesn't have a word recognition), so your singing is rated by how well you manage to hit the correct note at the correct time.
SingStar: Amped is a karaoke game, featuring rock music. The German and US versions have a number of different included songs.
The main focus of the game is singing those songs as good as one can. The game gives points which are distributed by the purity of singing, as in how well does one manage to stay on tune. It doesn't matter if you change octaves in the middle of the song or what words are you singing in (it doesn't have a word recognition), so your singing is rated by how well you manage to hit the correct note at the correct time.
"Musika" is a rhythm game designed by Masaya Matsuura. The game plays a song from your iPod library and challenges you to press Select as soon as you recognize a letter or number in its title. The faster you do so, the more points you’ll earn, thanks to the scoring multiplier that increases by one with each correct response.