The content is a new generation music visual software which recorded 2 original songs + 1 remix of the new artist, 1 photo of still songs, still picture photo collection (about 200 to 300 points), promotion VTR (editing function + director's cut).
Real-life capture technology of PlayStation realizes the beauty of still images and videos! The height of the quality is overwhelming.
Ongaku Tsukuuru: Kanadeeru is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Success and published by ASCII Entertainment, which was released in Japan in 1996. It is a Satellaview-compatible Slotted Cartridge game belonging to ASCII's Tsukūru series. The title of these games are portmanteau-word puns mixing the Japanese word tsukuru (作る), which means "make" or "create", with tsūru (ツール), the Japanese transcription of the English word "tool". As the title suggests, this title is a music creation tool.
C.P.U. Bach is an interactive music-generating program designed by Sid Meier and Jeff Briggs for the 3DO. It can create Baroque music in the style of Bach for various keyboard, wind, or string instruments and in a variety of forms (e.g., concerti, fugues, minuets, chorales). The compositions are then performed by the software with synchronous 3D graphics on screen showing the virtual instruments being played.
The name of the program is a pun on the initials of one of Bach's actual sons, C.P.E. Bach, and "CPU".
Broadway Legend Ellena is a rhythm game released in the Disc Station magazine for PC-98 computers in 1994. The title character, Ellena Stevens, would later cameo in Puyo Puyo DA! for the Sega Dreamcast.
The Masked Rider is a Japanese super hero, a man who has become genetically altered to be a man/grasshopper who rides a motorcycle.
This FMV game adapts scenes from the movie Masked Rider ZO, and creates a Dragon's Lair style experience. The game centers around 10 battles of the film's 3 main characters.
The player watches the video and hits the correct direction or button at the right time to achieve success. The visual cues of the movie suggest the correct buttons. For example, when the Masked Rider punches, the player should press the Punch button. If he dodges left on screen, the player should press the left direction pad. Correct timing hits the enemy harder, lowering their health bar. Failure reduces the players health.
The first of Digital Pictures' "Make My Video" line has you "editing" three of C + C Music Factory's most famous songs - "Gonna Make You Sweat," "Things That Make You Go Hmm..." and "Here We Go Let's Rock & Roll."
The plot puts you inside the music factory of the game's name, where two linemen sweat and toil under the oppressive thumb of a wheelchair-bound corporate executive. Video discs literally roll down an assembly line while C + C record their sounds behind three closed doors. You are asked to help out in editing these videos, appease the corporate masters, and lift the burden from everyone.
Make My Video: INXS is a video game based on real-time editing of music video footage. The setup is that a pair of female friends is hanging around a bar and monopolizing the pool table. The game explores the duo's interpersonal interactions with other patrons at the bar: There's the Fly, an aloof cool guy; Ted and Gomez, braindead surfer dudes trying to pick up the ladies, and who are thinly-veiled parodies of Bill & Ted; Poindexter, the nerd who is also trying to work up the courage to talk to the women; and Flo and Tiger, a pair of leather-clad tough chicks whose interest is beating the main subjects of the game so that they can control the bar music and play their Megadeth videotape. Each person or pair has own their ideas about what an ideal INXS video should or should not contain. The specifications normally come in the form of a set of pictures they either do or don't want to see, and perhaps some effects. The game features three INXS videos from which to choose: "Heaven Sent", "Not Enough Time", and "Baby D
Make My Video: Kris Kross is a video game based on real-time editing of music video footage. The setup is that a radio DJ is taking calls from listeners who want to see custom videos for their favorite Kris Kross videos. The specifications normally come in the form of a set of pictures they either do or don't want to see, and perhaps some effects. The game has three Kris Kross videos from which to choose: "Jump", "Warm It Up", and "I Missed The Bus".
After receiving the video specifications, the player enters the video editing console in the EditChallenge mode. From this console, the player can view and select between 3 video streams that are playing. The selected stream will be edited into the final video. One stream is the original video while the other 2 feature assorted random footage that nonetheless often carries images that happened to have been specified in the video request. The video editing console also allows the player to apply a variety of real-time filters, such as mosaic and blur filters, RGB color