It is a Super Mario World ROM hack created by a mysterious Japanese ROM-hacker who goes by the name of Carol.
It's well known for being a hack with a large amount of custom bosses and ASM gimmicks, with its development being started when such things were but a dream in the SMW hacking scene.
The hack contains several references to many other video games, from Final Fantasy, to Twinbee, to Kirby, to Mega Man, to even Cho Aniki of all things.
Each level contains multiple enemies and even bosses. A level may contain more than 1 boss, though this is common.
EarthBound Halloween Hack, or Radiation's Halloween Hack, also sometimes known as Press the B Button, Stupid! is a romhack of EarthBound made by Toby Fox and released in 2008 for's Halloween Funfest. It was inspired by the Brandish series, where the hack's protagonist, Varik comes from. It is much shorter than the original EarthBound.
SMW2+2 is a ROM hack of Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, which builds a whole new game using the engine of the original game.
The stork was peacefully on his way to deliver future heroes Baby Mario and Luigi to their parents, when all of a sudden, Kamek appeared in the skies. He quickly attempted to snatch the babies from the stork, only managing take Baby Luigi, while Baby Mario fell to the ocean. Luckily, he lands on Yoshi’s Island. The Yoshies gather and ponder how to remedy the situation. The Yoshies decide to carry along Baby Mario, and call upon the Chosen One to face Kamek. The Yoshies don’t know the exact identity of the Chosen One, but know that he always watches over and protects the Yoshies, and has an immense amount of power.
Why has Kamek kidnapped these babies? And just who is this mysterious Chosen One? You will find out when you play!
What this hack features…
50 all-new levels of classic Yoshi’s Island design! Journey through 5 worlds to reunite Baby Mario with Baby Luigi.
Now unlock
Kaizo Mario World, also known as Asshole Mario, is a hack created by T. Takemoto for his friend R. Kiba. It features extremely sadistic, unique and groundbreaking level design. This is also the hack that started it all, since the kaizo genre wasn't existent beforehand. The literal translation of "Kaizo Mario World" is "自作の改造マリオ(スーパーマリオワールド)を友人にプレイさせる", or in plain English, "Making my friend play through my Mario hack (Super Mario World)". Kaizo is a rough translation of the word "modify" or "change" in Japanese.
Yoshi's Island: Kamek's Revenge, commonly referred to as Kamek's Revenge or YIKR, is a Yoshi's Island hack by S.N.N. The original version was released on September 29, 2007. It was inspired by the bonus level 5 of the same name from the original game.
In late 2016 BTD6_maker took over the project, releasing version 2.0 with a completed Extra 5 and various other fixes in March of 2017. The most recent release of Kamek's Revenge was on February 06, 2018.
HyperBound is a game hack project that follows the trials and tribulations of an unnamed amnesiac, who is thrust into a world that is completely unknown to him. Playing with the affordances of the Super Nintendo game EarthBound, HyperBound explores ideas associated with videogames such as non-linear narratives and spacial storytelling.
The hack’s core game-play mechanic is the use of glitches as a metaphor for the deterioration of memory, with one of the central trials of the game’s story takes place inside the protagonist’s mind.
Its first public exhibition took place at the 2007 Axis New Media Festival (from September 7th to September 16th)
The Legend of Zelda: Fourth Quest is a ROM hack/mod of BS Zelda no Densetsu Map 2 and, consequently, a sequel of another mod called The Legend of Zelda: Third Quest. It was developed by Con, with additional code by other ROM hackers of the BS Zelda scene. The mod intends to make BS Zelda no Densetsu Map 2 closer to a traditional Zelda experience, with the ability to play as Link or Zelda and changes to the engine of the original game which was heavily based on a time-limited gameplay, making it directly related to story progression.
The Legend of Zelda: Third Quest is a ROM hack/mod of BS Zelda no Densetsu by Con, with additional code by other ROM hackers of the BS Zelda scene. The mod intend to make BS Zelda no Densetsu closer to a traditional Zelda experience, with the ability to play as Link or Zelda and changes to the engine of the original game which was heavily based on a time-limited gameplay, making it directly related to story progression.
Sequel to the first rom hack, The Second Reality Project, this new story brings a totally new villain to the franchise, Zycloboo (who is a Big Boo with one eye).
A complete The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past hack.
Everything is brand new. Dungeons, overworlds, etc. It even has new music!
This hack does a fantastic job of letting you re-live the old classic while adding a new degree of difficulty that challenges even the elite!
BS The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets - Master Quest is a ROM hack/mod of BS Zelda no Densetsu: Inishie no Sekiban which changes some of the layout of the dungeons.