You have lived your whole life in Andromeda City, the metropolitan heart of Keplara. Your father works for the Andromeda PD; your mother is the local Antares League, gym leader. Someday you’ll get a Trainer’s License of your own and become a well-regarded Pokémon trainer yourself.
But today is not that day. Instead, today is an exciting day for Andromeda City: your mother’s Antares League gym is moving into the snazziest new digs, all the way up to the top floors of the recently-completed Pokémon community skyscraper! There are still a few things left to move and unpack before the grand opening, but it’s nothing that you and your father can’t handle. What could possibly go wrong?
Pokémon Crown is an entirely new gameplay experience. While it is still an exploration-focused RPG, we have combined many elements from other genres to create something truly unique. In Pokémon Crown, you will rediscover each Pokémon and how they interact with one another using our new Auto Chess battle engine! Play against interesting and unique teams while strategizing on synergy, placement, and type matchups! 6v6 combat like you’ve never seen before!
Pokémon Crown is a Medieval RPG set in the vast and magical Region of Guelder. Guelder, as a rich resource bastion, was thrust into a long-lasting war. Guelder triumphed after many years, but not without a cost… While the region was rebuilding, the King’s Diviner predicted a dual prophecy for the kingdom: a future of light and a future of darkness. Based on these visions, the King realized that unless something changed, the kingdom was doomed to more war.
Fire Emblem is a tactics RPG that has been described as "anime chess".
This hack turns FE8 into a Pokémon game.
Re-live your journey through Kanto in this reimagining of Pokémon. Battle with your whole party at once, and devise strategies to take down the toughest foes. Catch and evolve the original 151 Pokémon as you train up your favorites. Enjoy balanced gameplay where grinding has little effect and swapping out team members may be the key if you’re struggling. You play your way in this fun, fast-paced game.
Sacred Echoes is a demake of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia for the GBA. This public release covers all of Shadows of Valentia’s 5 story acts, with 46 story maps, 1 gaiden chapter, and 8 repeatable maps. Some things are still in progress, but the latest release should address most of the remaining bugs.
The goal of this project is to take all the amazing hacks from the Fire Emblem GBA hacking community and put them into the base game experience. These are designed for veteran players and newcomers alike! The changes are designed to be uncontroversial enough so that this isn’t seen as an “alternate” way to play the game but an “enhanced” way. The major changes are QOL and bugfixes. The only gameplay changes come from removing localization changes.
Here are the changes present in all versions:
Adds Casual Mode
Unlocks Hard Mode at start
Prevent Misheal bug
Fimbulvetr glitch fix
"Fire Emblem: Bells of Byelen" is a Mod of "Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones".
Built with a telephone-hack system, Team Adversity worked together to build a mechanically rich and story dense custom campaign, with many inspirations taken from "Fire Emblem: Thracia 776", like capturing enemies, fatigue, leadership stars, stealing weapons and more. Bells of Byelen boasts 73 playable characters, 60 on any given playthrough, with 24 chapters and 3 interludes.
This is a crossover project between Pokémon, Made in Abyss, and Etrian Odyssey. It’s a sort of dungeon-crawler story-driven, , but you don’t need to know anything about Etrian Odyssey or Made in Abyss in order to fully enjoy this game!
On the island of Talrega lies the entrance to the Yggdrasil labyrinth, a gigantic desert carved from the roots of the tree of life over millennia; filled with treasures and other valuable items, it attracted explorers from everywhere. What are you looking for? Fame? Money? Or do you just want to test your coaching skills by tackling the maze? What’s at the end?
Pokemon Recharged Yellow is a fully completed GBA ROM hack made by Jaizu. Embark on an exciting journey through a more challenging Kanto region, redesigned in the Generation 3 style. Hang out with your buddy Pikachu, have fun with the Pokémon you meet, collect gym badges, and take on Team Rocket, featuring Jessie, James, and Meowth.
Pokemon Fused Dimensions is a GBA ROM Hack by DanteZ.35 based on Pokemon Fire Red. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on September 24, 2022.
Pokémon Revelation is a vanilla quality-of-life enhancement decompilation hack of Pokémon Emerald. Pokémon Revelation aims to add as many QoL features as possible from the more recent games while looking and feeling just like vanilla Emerald and maintaining compatibility with the official games. Features include: catching all 386 Pokémon, reusable TMs, battle difficulty, decapitalization, and much more!
Ever wondered what Pokemon might look like as a Roguelike? When you go on an adventure all routes, encounters and items will be procedurally chosen based on your progress into a run. After a certain number of routes you will encounter a random gym leader who will have a procedurally chosen team of their assigned type; as you progress further into a run gym leaders and other trainers will start using more difficult setups for their pokemon. If you can make it all the way to the champion and defeat them, then you will have completed the run!
Once you complete or wipe out of a run you will go back to a hub area where you can buy permanent items and catch new "starter" Pokemon to use in the next run. As you progress further into the run, you will unlock more buildings/NPCs in this hub area to use for preparing the next run.
Right after R64, the first Nintendo 64 cartridge music album ever made, Remute is back with his next album: Unity comes as a Gameboy Advance cartridge and features 15 brand new songs about unification, division and trust.
I crashed land on a strange planet due to the failure of the spacecraft, and Power Suit was completely damaged after impact. So, I had to explore this strange planet.
With custom music, environments, bosses and more!
In this hack, the entire overworld has been turned into an ice puzzle. The game is able to be beaten (a lot of overworld changes were required to make this happen, carpets and flowers are safe spots), but the path to the end is very different than a normal playthrough.