Mother 3: Opposing Force is a new story hack aiming to tell the tale of a mostly unseen side of MOTHER 3--that of the Pigmasks. Spread good will and happiness to the residents of Tazmily through ruthless tactics and planning, and top it all off with a relaxing night at Club Titiboo. This hack will take the player through key events of Chapters 4-7 from a uniquely porkish perspective.
This ROM hack aims to take all the hacks from the Fire Emblem GBA hacking community and put them into the base game experience. These are designed for veteran players and newcomers alike! The changes are intended to be uncontroversial enough so that this isn’t seen as an “alternate” way to play the game but an “enhanced” way. The major changes are QoL and bug fixes.
Pokémon Glazed is an exciting and captivating Pokémon ROM hack that takes place in the Tunod region, where a young trainer embarks on a thrilling adventure to become a Pokémon Champion. However, their journey takes an unexpected turn as a powerful force threatens to merge the Pokémon world with the real world, setting the stage for an epic clash. With the help of three wandering trainers from the Johto region and a vengeful Pikachu donning a mysterious scarf, the protagonist must navigate ancient ruins and confront a mysterious team with their own hidden agenda. Get ready for a pulse-pounding quest filled with danger, mystery, and the boundless possibilities of the Pokémon universe.
It has had many beta releases and updates over the past decade, with the final update being 9.1.0 in May 2022. Following a takedown request, Pokémon Glazed was removed from PokéCommunity on February 28th, 2024.
Pokemon Emerald like you've never seen it before
Enjoy the Hoenn region with a unique twist. Pokemon Ephemerald is a full Regional-Forme ROMhack, where you can find 382 brand new Sapphosian Formes from the minds of passionate creators. Every single catchable 'mon has a whole new design, with new Types, Movepools, Abilities, and Flavour to create a unique experience, like this game came straight from a parallel universe with a Succubus Jynx, a Butterfly Gligar, a Toxic-waste Quilava and many many more!
A homebrew Tetris-like block stacking game for GameBoy Advance. Apotris features 11 game modes and the ability to edit the appearance of pieces in-game.
This hack replaces the game’s levels with new custom designed levels built using the game’s existing assets. The tutorial, Jungle Jam and boss levels have not been edited.
In addition to the custom levels, this hack also includes:
- Character selection screen in adventure mode: unlocked after completing adventure mode (or by using the password 00011000).
- The tutorial and intro can now be skipped by holding select when starting adventure mode.
A Digimon rom hack of Pokemon Emerald which features 350+ new monsters with unique stats, abilities, typing, and movepools built from the ground-up,as many as five to six stages for prominent Digimon, custom moves from the Digimon canon, Digidex Entries state criteria for evolution, EV/IV Checker, Up to Gen VII Abilities and Moves, Reusable TMs, Fairy Type, Physical-Special Split, Poison Survival, BW Repel System, and much more.
All Pokémon from the first to the eighth generation are available for capture!
This project is recommended to people who have never had the opportunity to play Pokémon before.
Some people know Pokémon anime, so this project is an excellent choice to be the first experience for this public target.
As I said before, our journey will only be in Kanto.
Unlike Pokémon Fire Red vanilla, the players don't have access to the seven islands.
A challenging and revised Kanto, with an extended story, harder difficulty, all legendaries obtainable. 386 Pokemon, every hero, gym leader, and popular characters from the first three generations (including the anime) all making an appearance.
Pokémon Theta Emerald Renev is a remake of the difficulty/enhancement rom hack Pokémon Theta Emerald EX, expanding its selection of obtainable Pokémon and adding a number of quality of life changes.
Seek power in the depths of the dungeon!
There are 2 floors filled with unique enemies and bosses to defeat.
You can also find scrolls that you can mix and match to upgrade your attacking capabilities, but dying means starting from square one.
You begin your career as a Trainee, retrieving the boring bags of coach ticket holders when their luggage goes amiss. But before long you will work your way to being a highly ranked member off staff retrieving important missing luggage for the likes of the Natural History Museum, NASA and even the FBI!
In this Pokémon Emerald rom hack, trainers capture and battle animated 'puppets' based on characters from the Touhou series. The hack also updates the battle system, using a different set of type advantages/disadvantages and implementing the physical/special split from later Pokémon games.
Samus, ever the fool, decided to jump down Ing Ing’s pitfall trap during the escape, and was crushed by the falling pumpkin at the end of her quest to stop Imago from bringing eternal Christmas.
But what’s this? Imago has returned??? And he’s threatening to bring eternal Christmas again? Samus turns in her grave, and her soul is snapped back to reality so that she can prevent this disaster! Join her on a new mission throughout Spooky Isle and find a way to stop Imago’s devious plan.
A tale of one knight’s quest for vindication after working far too long in fast food! With a campaign and planned 20 chapters and 6 gaidens! Play 34 characters pulling from across the Fire Emblem series, plus some surprises!