Space Invaders EX (simply titled Space Invaders in North America) is a Space Invaders title released in 2002 by Activision for the Game Boy Advance.
The game features two main gameplay modes. The 1 Player mode is the main gameplay mode, which is an update on the classic Space Invaders formula. The game features four different types of enemies, each with a different color. By defeating four enemies of the same color in a row, you get a single use special weapon. Red enemies drop the straight rocket, which goes through enemies vertically. Blue and green enemies drop the right and left rockets respectivelly, which make a 90° turn when they hit an enemy, going through the remaining enemies horizontally. Finally, yellow enemies drop the diagonal rocket, which divides itself in two when it hits an enemy then goes through them diagionally. This weapons system would later be expanded upon in Space Invaders Extreme.
Classic Mode is a recreation of the original game, though adapted to fit the smaller screen. Additionally,
Dave Mirra returns along with 14 pro riders including Ryan Nyquist, Mike Laird and Collin Mackay. 8 levels are on offer, with a total of 1,500 tricks to master. You can create your own BMX park thanks to the Park Editor mode.
The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning explores the true origins of Spyro as you embark on a dangerous, combat-driven quest that will bring you face to face with the Dark Master's ultimate creation, Cynder. Experience the true power of the purple dragon as you unleash devastating fury attacks, upgradeable breaths and ground to aerial melee combos in a frenzied battle with hordes of menacing enemies and bone-chilling bosses. It's an epic and cinematic gameplay experience.
The Game Boy Advance port of Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars is pretty much the same game as the original, the only difference is that the graphics were adapted to fit the technical constraints of the console.
Based on the animated movie, The Ant Bully puts you in the role of Lucas, a 10-year old boy who passes his time by tormenting an ant hill. Before he knows it, the ants use a magic potion to shrink him down to their size. Then they put him to work for the colony, giving him a fresh perspective on life.
The game is played from a 3D third-person perspective. Most actions are context-sensitive, performed with the press of one button, e.g. Lucas automatically jumps when running off a ledge. You play various missions, and receive medals upon their completion. These medals are worth varying amounts, depending on how well you played: gold is 50 points, silver is 30 points, and bronze is 10. You use these medals to unlock special abilities every time you reach 300 points. The missions mostly involve fighting enemies and collecting items scattered in the game world.
Pokemon Emerald like you've never seen it before
Enjoy the Hoenn region with a unique twist. Pokemon Ephemerald is a full Regional-Forme ROMhack, where you can find 382 brand new Sapphosian Formes from the minds of passionate creators. Every single catchable 'mon has a whole new design, with new Types, Movepools, Abilities, and Flavour to create a unique experience, like this game came straight from a parallel universe with a Succubus Jynx, a Butterfly Gligar, a Toxic-waste Quilava and many many more!
The Game Boy Advance title is an isometric shooter with 10 single-player levels. Levels are made up of rooms with specific objectives (defend, survive, etc.) for each. The Terminator can fire a variety of projectile weapons, throw explosives, and can punch effectively when all else fails. A few levels also include vehicles to control. The Terminator can also activate the films' red-tinted Terminator vision for a limited time, to spot hidden items or areas and cause additional damage to enemies.
Two players can fight through unique co-op challenges over a link cable, where they will fight spawning enemies and bosses in progressive rooms. Up to four players can also control their own Terminator in a capture-the-flag arena mode.
Mother 3: Opposing Force is a new story hack aiming to tell the tale of a mostly unseen side of MOTHER 3--that of the Pigmasks. Spread good will and happiness to the residents of Tazmily through ruthless tactics and planning, and top it all off with a relaxing night at Club Titiboo. This hack will take the player through key events of Chapters 4-7 from a uniquely porkish perspective.
Dragon Ball Z: Team Training is a Pokémon Fire Red mod that makes your game all the Dragon Ball epicness you could ever want. Basically, if you wanted to have a pet Goku to fight your enemies with in Pokémon, this is all of that and more. There are currently 180 Dragon Ball "fighters" (Pokémon) in the game, and the locations reflect places in the DB world.
Pokémon Ultra Violet Version is a hack of the GameBoy Advance game Pokemon Fire Red Version. This new game has been altered in many ways to make the game more enjoyable, but it still has the same general design and story as the original Nintendo release.
Pokémon Inclement Emerald is a romhack of Pokémon Emerald.
Inclement Emerald is started out as a binary hack back in 2018, and has since been redone from scratch using the pokeemerald decompilation project. It's intended to offer a modern, more challenging take on the Hoenn region, and is full of quality-of-life improvements, new systems that streamline Pokémon training, and extra events.
Let the Obsession begin. Again. This time, the entire forces of the netherworld have overrun Earth. To save her, you must descend into the stygian depths of Hell itself! Battle mightier, nastier, deadlier demons and monsters. Use more powerful weapons. Survive more mind-blowing explosions and more of the bloodiest, fiercest, most awesome blastfest ever!
Namco Museum 50th Anniversary on Game Boy Advance, includes 14 Classic Arcade Hits;
- Pac-Man
- Ms. Pac-Man
- Galaga
- Galaxian
- Rally-X
- Pole Position
- Pole Position 2
- Xevious
- Dragon Spirit
- Bosconian
- Rolling Thunder
- Mappy
- Spy Kid
- Dig Dug
For the first time ever, a true collaboration of popular Nickelodeon heroes and villains come together and cross over into multiple Nickelodeon cartoon environments, interacting with each other and working together to solve puzzles in this ultimate Nick gaming adventure. Playable characters from the most popular Nickelodeon shows include SpongeBob SquarePants, The Fairly OddParents, team Rocket Power, Jimmy Neutron and Tak. Nicktoons also marks the videogame debut of new Nickelodeon properties Danny Phantom and Rugrats All Grown Up.