This is a hack of Pokémon Fire Red 1.0 that sees Blue’s perspective as he battles Red to become the Pokémon League Champion.
This version (loosely) follows Lockstin & Gnoggin’s video that dealt with the theory of if Blue joined Team Rocket.
Depending on what starter is chosen, your rival will either have the team they have in the game, in the Pokémon Adventures Manga, or the Pokémon Origins adaptation.
Interested in a new kind of challenge? Rather than a huge adventure through the Pokemon world, VR Missions instead offers a series of specific scenarios in which you must make it to the goal of the level, using only what the level gives you in each stage. There are 30 stages and all, each with a unique gimmick of some kind. If you are familiar with the Battle Sim from Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, the idea is similar to that, just with some overworld puzzles in addition to battles.
Pokémon Dreary tells a short story about a troubled Kanto region.
Journey through Kanto and uncover mysterious phenomena...
But most importantly, get to the Indigo Plateau while you still have the chance.
Castlevania: Serenade Under the Moon is a ROM Hack of Aria of Sorrow that changes the castle to that of Symphony of the Night, as well as making Alucard the main character.
In this Pokémon Ruby ROM hack, you awaken in what used to be Littleroot town, having no memory of how you got there or even who you really are. It soon becomes apparent however that something very big has happened while you were out: Hoenn has been invaded by an army of zombies.
Dreams is a Pokémon Fire Red ROM hack set in a new region with a new story. The protagonist, a traveling trainer, arrives in the region of Solda. In the small community of Thicket Town, they meet a boy who seeks to live up to his brother, the local gym leader. This is their journey through the region as they meet new characters and strive for the Pokémon League.
This hack is designed with a focus on characters and worldbuilding. Though it tells a linear story, the map is sprinkled with optional areas containing useful items and Pokémon to reward exploration.
Samus, ever the fool, decided to jump down Ing Ing’s pitfall trap during the escape, and was crushed by the falling pumpkin at the end of her quest to stop Imago from bringing eternal Christmas.
But what’s this? Imago has returned??? And he’s threatening to bring eternal Christmas again? Samus turns in her grave, and her soul is snapped back to reality so that she can prevent this disaster! Join her on a new mission throughout Spooky Isle and find a way to stop Imago’s devious plan.
Imago is at it again! It now threatens the very existence of Halloween! Getting to Imago is no simple task! It has infiltrated a massive space pumpkin and sealed off all entrances. Legend says that every Halloween three Holy beings appear in the physical realm… perhaps with these spooks, as people call them, Samus can gain access to the pumpkin and save Halloween!
You will play as Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town! Just after Ash conquered the Indigo League he got back to his mom in his hometown where Professor Oak has a new objective for him. He wants Ash to go to Valencia Island to pick up a strange kind of Pokeball for him, since Professor Ivy is unable to send it to him through the PC system. Of course Ash is eager to take this easy objective. What happens after this is, of course, already known to you because we all saw the anime. Nearly all episodes on the Orange Islands are covered, but not all events are necessarily very prominent. Some episodes are implemented as an important part of the storyline, while some are just miniquests.
Samus, the space pirates have abandoned their base
on SR387 due to a rogue ai and are now asking us for help! I fear this
may be a trap, but we shouldn't waste any opportunity to strike them
at their core! Infiltrate their base and discover what vile secrets lie there...
Code of the Black Knights is a romhack that takes place on the continent of Lumae, a mass of land that was pulled from the oceans by Naga, the God of Creation, 213 years before the game takes place. Due to this unusual origin, Lumae lacks any natural coasts, so sea travel was impossible, isolating the continent from the rest of the world until recently.
Within the continent, there are four runes which have bizarre, mystical powers. Four nations took them, and became more powerful than the rest of the nations in the Continent.
Enter our protagonists: Schwarze and Noir, who, after an attack on a central fort, seek to investigate why Zoyla, an allied nation would send mercenaries against them. Unbeknownst to them, their good intentions might detonate a world war. Some truths were not meant to be discovered…
A long time ago, war broke between humans and monsters (Wait, isn’t it that game’s into ?). After years of struggle, humans emerged victorious, and sealed the monsters away with the help of powerful artifacts.
Now, a thousand years later, humans have completely forgotten about this war and these artifacts. In this hack, you play as Sylvester, a debuting brigand who will see himself becoming a hero when the monsters banished a millenium ago suddenly resurface. Together with his loyal right-hand man, the leader of what remains of a mercenary group after a mutiny, a teenage amazon seeking strength and validation and more than sixty other weirdos, of course.
Sonic Epoch features SatAM Sonic in a time travel adventure as he is blasted 10 years into the future; a dark future where Dr. Robotnik has essentially won, and the very few remaining Knothole Freedom Fighters are barely clinging to life. Sonic arrives to reinvigorate the world and perhaps still be able to fight back the evil Doctor and hopefully somehow get back to his own time.
The GBA version was a revival of the cancelled PC version. While the GBA version is "finished", it was a rush job, more for the sake of filling the gap of the previous version's incomplete status, and did not completely honor all aspects of the original story.
I crashed land on a strange planet due to the failure of the spacecraft, and Power Suit was completely damaged after impact. So, I had to explore this strange planet.
With custom music, environments, bosses and more!
Metroid: Scrolls 6 is a full, open-ended Metroid Zero Mission hack. The hack has full graphical changes and a full original soundtrack. You can play and explore 7 full areas and might also find things never used in a hack before.
- Physical/Special Split
- Gen IV - VI Attacks, Abilities, and Items
- Mega Evolutions
- Removed those badge stat boosts because they aren’t at all fair
- Expanded dex, every non-legendary Pokemon obtainable in some way
- Proper forms for Pokemon like Kyurem, Arceus, Burmy, and even Unown
- Hidden abilities along with a conscientious distribution of crazy ones like Ninetales’
- ORAS level-up movesets, except for non-existent moves
- 120 TMs
- Added Pokemon generation methods saves Kanto from feeling crowded - Hidden Grottos, pedometer-based Honey Trees, Swarms
- Field effects for abilities such as Synchronize, Magnet Pull, Cute Charm, Compound Eyes, and Flame Body etc.
- Dynamic dex areas to indicate swarms and roaming
- Updated non-berry oriented Pickup table
The story begins in the Kingdom of Adestria. Hundreds of years ago, Humans competed for survival with magically gifted beings known as 'Fae'. Over time, a breed of 'Half-Bloods' emerged, descended from parents of each race. The Half-Bloods chose to ally themselves with the weaker Humans, and the Fae were destroyed. The Half-Bloods then turned on the humans, using the powers of their Fae blood to subjugate and enslave their magically-inert cousins.
A little over a hundred years have passed since the subjugation. Our main characters are two Half-Bloods: Lord Cassius Malberry and his sister, Fordra. Hoping to find the cure for a horrible disease, they hunt for an ancient Fae tome...