The fourth and final part (week) of BS Zelda no Densetsu Map 2.
BS Zelda no Densetsu was a remake of The Legend of Zelda that was released for the Satellaview attachment of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in Japan.
The third part (week) of BS Zelda no Densetsu Map 2.
BS Zelda no Densetsu was a remake of The Legend of Zelda that was released for the Satellaview attachment of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in Japan.
Easy Racer was a 1996 downloadable game for the Satellaview. It is a very simplistic racing game with an overhead perspective and no visible characters other than the cars; however, the ending screen does feature Mario.
The first part (week) of BS Marvelous: Time Athletic.
BS Marvelous: Time Athletic is a Downloadable 4-part Soundlink game for the Satellaview that ran between January 1, 1996 and January 31, 1996. The game was broadcast in as a rerun in April, 1996.
The first part (week) of BS Marvelous: Camp Arnold.
BS Marvelous: Time Athletics is a Downloadable 4-part Soundlink game for the Satellaview that ran between January 1, 1996 and January 31, 1996. The game was broadcast in as a rerun in April, 1996.
The second part (week) of BS Zelda no Densetsu Map 2.
BS Zelda no Densetsu was a remake of The Legend of Zelda that was released for the Satellaview attachment of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in Japan.
BS Marvelous: Time Athletic is a Downloadable 4-part Soundlink game for the Satellaview that ran between January 1, 1996 and January 31, 1996. The game was broadcast in as a rerun in April, 1996. A sequel to BS Marvelous: Time Athletics entitled BS Marvelous: Camp Arnold was released in November, 1996 as a direct prequel to Marvelous: Mouhitotsu no Takarajima which was not broadcast via Satellaview but instead released in hard copy as a SFC cartridge.
The first episode of BS Parlor! Parlor!
BS Parlor! Parlor! is a Downloadable 2-part Soundlink game for the Satellaview that was broadcast between March 1, 1998 and March 14, 1998. At various times throughout 1995, the game was accompanied by full-day broadcasts of a strategy magazine entitled BS Parlor! Parlor! Kouryaku Magazine.
BS Parlor! Parlor! is a Downloadable 2-part Soundlink game for the Satellaview that was broadcast between March 1, 1998 and March 14, 1998. At various times throughout 1995, the game was accompanied by full-day broadcasts of a strategy magazine entitled BS Parlor! Parlor! Kouryaku Magazine.
The first part (week) of BS Zelda no Densetsu Map 2.
BS Zelda no Densetsu was a remake of The Legend of Zelda that was released for the Satellaview attachment of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in Japan.
BS Zelda no Densetsu Map 2 is a sequel to BS Zelda no Densetsu, released for the Super Famicom add-on Satellaview.
It is a reimagining of the original The Legend of Zelda for the NES. The player's avatar is the BS-X avatar, not Link.
The game was broadcast through the Satellaview service as was Soundlink compatible, meaning it had orchestral music, narration and specific timed events.
The fourth and final episode (week) of Naxat Cup Satellaview Bass Tournament "Big Fight".
Naxat Cup Satellaview Bass Tournament "Big Fight" is a Downloadable 4-part Soundlink game for the Satellaview that was broadcast between December 1, 1995 and June 1, 1996. It is a pseudo-sequel to Super Fishing - Big Fight. The player competes in the sum of weight of Black Basses within the limited time. To apply the contest, player sends passwords shown in the result scene. Some prizes went to the best performer.