The Game Boy version of Lemmings sees similar gameplay ported to a system that wasn't very suited to it, such as the tiny screen, lack of mouse and downgraded graphics.
Pokémon Regulation is a rom hack that attempts to maintain as much of the vanilla experience as possible while also allowing players to challenge themselves by applying special rules to the gameplay. Upon starting a New Game, you will be asked to provide a regulation code before your adventure starts. You can generate regulation codes on
Pokemon Regulation is a rom hack that attempts to maintain as much of the vanilla experience as possible while also allowing players to challenge themselves by applying special rules to the gameplay. Upon starting a New Game, you will be asked to provide a regulation code before your adventure starts. You can generate regulation codes on
This is a purist's enhancement of Pokémon Blue. The goal is to enhance the original games for excellent replayability without bringing in mechanics, moves, sprites, visuals, type matchups, or Pokémon that were introduced in later games. The 2.0 version is based on the disassembly and has hundreds of new optional features / fixes!