GG Aleste is a game in Compile's Aleste series of shoot-'em-ups for the Sega Game Gear. It was only released in Japan and is one of the few Compile Game Gear games published by Compile rather than Sega.
Godzilla: Kaijuu no Daishingeki is a turn based strategy game, with some arcade elements. A player can play as Godzilla or similar monsters (kaiju), like Anguirus, and Fire Rodan. Should players want to support humanity they can play as the G-Force, a human defense force. Humans have monster killing tools such as, tanks, artillery and planes. Some monsters are unplayable enemies and both sides will have the chance to fight against them.
On the map, the game is a typical war strategy. The player can move units on the map, and attack enemies. Battles have their own screen and animations. The fighting is quite arcade-like and simple, functioning similarly to fighting games. When all units have used their actions points a turn ends.
Godzilla: Kaijuu no Daishingeki has four maps, and an extra secret level.
The title was never officially released outside of Japan, but fan translator TheMajinZenki released an unofficial English version of the game on January 2, 2019, under the name Godzilla: Monsters Attack.
Head Buster is a Game Gear video game that involves robots fighting in combat sequences.
The object is to earn more gold by winning matches and spending that money on better weapons like rifles, missile launchers, and flamethrowers. Robots can be traded in for money (gold) if updating them is impossible. At the center of each starting point is a base (circle). Either the base must be destroyed or all the opponent's robots must be destroyed in order to clear the battlefield. There is a certain range to each weapon; opponents cannot be attacked if they are too close or too far away from the weapon's firing range.
There are ten different maps in the game. Each level has its own password. Players must deliver newspapers for a tiny stipend in order to resume competing after a loss.
House of Tarot is a tarot divination title for the Game Gear where the player gets a tarot reading in Japanese using the Rider–Waite tarot cards. The game was published by Sega for a Japan-exclusive release.
Hyokkori Hyoutanjima: Hyoutanjima no Daikoukai is a 1992 action game by Sega for the Sega Game Gear tying into the Hyokkori Hyoutanjima Japanese puppet show.
Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R (イチダントアール) is the sequel to Puzzle & Action: Tant-R, and like its prequel is an arcade game released for Sega System C arcade hardware. The game later brought to Sega Mega Drive and Sega Game Gear, with the latter being renamed Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R GG (イチダントア~ルGG). So far the game has never been released outside of Japan (and South Korea).
Like Tant-R, Ichidant-R is a series of timed minigames, represented in the graphical style seen in Bonanza Bros.. Ichidant-R was bundled with Quiz Rouka ni Tattenasai! in Sega Ages Rouka ni Ichidant-R for the Sega Saturn, and it was also bundled with Tant-R as part of volume 6 in the Sega Ages 2500 series for the PlayStation 2. It was also released for the Wii's Virtual Console service in 2007.
One final game in the Puzzle & Action series, Puzzle & Action: Treasure Hunt was released for Sega Titan Video arcade hardware in 1997.
SD Gundam Winner's History is a turn-based strategy game, with some action elements, part of Gundam franchise.
Player controls a small army of robots and fights against enemy's army. Battles take place in various environments: space, atmosphere or planet's surface. Player has to occupy specific points and factories. These produce new work and larger space ships. Battle between robots is a duel 1:1 - robot can operate automatically or be manually controlled. Larger space ships can bombard enemy from safe place.
Game has campaign, player can play on single map, and against other player.
Shikinjoh is a 1989/1990 puzzle game by Scap Trust for the NEC PC-88 and NEC PC-98. Sunsoft ported it to the Sega Mega Drive and Sega Game Gear in 1991, with the Mega Drive version having added Sega Mega Modem capabilities. No version has left Japan. A version was later included with Sunsoft's Game no Tetsujin The Shanghai for the Sega Saturn.
A Japanese derby stallion racing game/betting simulator for the Game Gear handheld.
The player is charged with raising a thoroughbred horse to be the finest racing horse in the world derby. The player navigates an elaborate menu system to retrieve a horse from the stables, place bets at the betting shop, go to race track to see if the chosen horse wins and to the store to purchase equipment with available funds. With each race won, the player earns additional funs and ranks up on the race board.
Your girlfriend... She's gone! Kidnapped by the notorious King Drancon.
But this is no ordinary rescue mission. Because King Drancon is no ordinary adversary.
Enter the deepest of deep dark forests. And trek across the burning deserts of 10 different lands. Discover supplies that give you speed and strength. Then fend for yourself against nature's nastiest enemies - cobras, piranhas, bats, spiders and finally, King Drancon's lightning-speed fireballs.
Accused of a crime he did not commit - CJ Elephant is imprisoned in a Zoo. Using advanced peanut propelling weaponry, an uncanny ability to find explosive charges and a handy umbrella he promptly escapes.
Now he must flee London, push on to Paris, across the Alps and career through Cairo until he finally makes it home to Africa.
Car Licence is an educational game developed to help users pass their driving test. The first section includes instructions on how to drive a car. The second section shows how to identify the road traffic signs. Finally, there is an endless mini-game in which the player keeps a line of cars from crossing a white line by shooting them.
Crazy Faces is an unreleased Sega Game Gear game developed by The Kremlin and was due to be published by Domark. Had it been released, it would have debuted around 1993. Crazy Faces has the user push tiles around a screen in an attempt to make pictures in the fastest possible time. Pictures involve popular video game IPs owned by Domark at the time, as well as some by Sega (namely Sonic the Hedgehog).
Street Hero is a Streets of Rage style side scrolling beat-em-up, offering plenty of action for Sega's handheld. Although the Sega Master System version of the game saw release in Korea, it is one considerable rarity that very few have actually seen. This fact is only strengthened by the knowledge that until February 2012, no ROM of the game existed online in any form. A real shame given the high level of quality of gameplay which has come from the usually disappointing array of 8-bit Korean developers.
Yogi Bear has to save Jellystone National Park from an evil ghost named Jake; who stole the funds needed to keep the park operating. There are six different stages in the game that range from a large city to the Wild West. There are no-powerups in the traditional sense; players must collect 100 picnic baskets for an extra life. Hidden doors and areas must be found in order to crack open the safes. Once inside a safe, Yogi must collect 25 gold coins to make a bar. In order to unlock the best ending, Yogi needs to convert 300 gold coins into 12 gold bars that will provide the park with the money to continue operations.
The player has the ability to jump on most enemies to kill them, just like in Super Mario Bros..Some enemies must be left alone due to the lack of ability to wield a weapon. Falling down into bottomless pits or navigating into dangerous hazards will cause Yogi to lose a life. By default, the player gets three lives and one additional continue.
It was planned to be released in November of 1994.
Hyper Pro Yakyū '92 follows the traditional rules of baseball. The player can choose to play as one of Japan's professional baseball teams. Following that, the player has the option to play in the small or big baseball field. During the gameplay, the player will play the role of the batter to try and strike the ball thrown by the pitcher. If the ball is successfully hit, the player must control the batter to do a full run around the field square.