Prior to visiting The Earth, Tamagotchis did not celebrate Christmas. However, Tamagotchis returning home had learned about the Earth's Christmas tradition, and believed that Santa Claus was real.
Living in the north was a Mayor who watched over a small village. He realized that the young Tamagotchis were now celebrating Christmas and were expecting to see Santa Clause. Wanting them not to be disappointed, he decided to take up the role of Santa himself. This triggered him to evolve immediately into a naked Santaclautchi and began to prepare himself for Christmas.
The Mothra Tamagotchi is a licensed vintage Tamagotchi that was released in Japan in December 1997 during the release of the movie Rebirth of Mothra II.
The Genjintch is a limited edition Tamagotchi released in Japan during November 1997 in theatres that were showing the film "Peking Man", which served as the base concept for the Genjintch Tamagotchi.
The instruction manual for the Yasashii retells the story of the Tamagotchi Planet getting drunk, forcing the Tamagotchis to flee to Earth. Nearly two years after the incident, it's time for the Tamagotchis to start returning home. Professor Banzo, who invented the first Tamagotchi toy for them to live in, still wanted to experiment on making a more comfortable environment for the Tamagotchis to live. He and Mikachu eventually create the Yasashii, a larger, more comfortable home for the Tamagotchi to live in with greater ease of providing care.
The Yasashii Tamagotchis, also known as "YasaTamagotchis", are Tamagotchis that were born and raised on Earth. Thus, they only know about Tamagotchi Planet based on stories from older Tamagotchis who had lived there. The YasaTamagotchis are excited to return to their home planet for the first time.
Debirutch no Tamagotch, also known as the Devilgotchi is a Tamagotchi release which debuted in Japan in early September 1998. The Devilgotchi’s official English release was in the form of the mobile game Tamagotchi Monster in 2006.
According to Mikachu's logs, gendered Tamagotchi characters were a new discovery made while the Tamagotchis were living on Earth, and had not previously existed on the Tamagotchi Planet. According to her, the Osutchi and Mesutchi characters starting being born when couples began sharing their Tamagotchi pets with each other. As Professor Banzo often get flustered about the concept of love, Mikachu spearheaded the research on them. Since the original "Tamagotchi HOUSE" model was inadequate for caring for a growing Tamagotchi family, Banzo and Mikachu together developed the "Osutchi HOUSE" and "Mesutchi HOUSE"
On the Tamagotchi Planet lives a special race of bug-like Tamagotchi characters called Mushitchi. While Mushitchi can be found all over the planet, their biggest and safest home is the Mushitchi Forest. Mushitchi hide amongst the leaves, grass, dirt, and under the ground. Due to this, other Tamagotchi wandering in the forest accidentally step on them occasionally. On the Morino Tamagotchi, the user is tasked with caring for a Mushitchi, helping it grow big while avoiding getting injured.
On the Tamagotchi Planet, floating in the sky is the Tenshitchi Capital, home of the Angels, the spirits of Tamagotchi characters that have died. Angels water the clouds to provide rain across the Planet, grow their angelic powers through prayer, and help and guide the living Tamagotchi in small ways. On the Tamagotchi Angel, many Angels returned to The Earth to spend more time with their human caretakers, and to thank them for letting them live good lives. However, they cannot be away from the Tenshitchi Capital for very long, and must eventually return. The user is tasked with raising their Angel, training them to do good deeds while keeping them from becoming the evil Deviltchi.
Jump in your spaceship and fend off the waves of attacking enemy invaders before they land. Originally released in 1978, SPACE INVADERS had a revolutionary impact, becoming an instant global phenomenon among arcade enthusiasts and introducing many others to video games.
The Tamagotchi Ocean is an ocean life-themed Tamagotchi released in Japan in March 1998 and later on in the USA in August. The Tamagotchi featured a motion sensor, similar to the Tamagotchi Angel, which was used to scare underwater predators away.
A handheld game licensed by The Tetris Company and produced by Hasbro, this game features two LCD screens, with the smaller one on the shorter end and the wider one going around the body of the main unit. Game-play consists of the player twisting the shorter end to position the piece projected on the smaller screen above the gap in the pieces shown on the larger, twisting the smaller screen itself to rotate the piece itself in one direction or another, then squeezing both ends together to "drop" the piece in place.
On Marathon Mode the player is given three lives, and the time allotted the player to maneuver, rotate and drop the piece gets shorter as the game progresses. Should the player either fail to drop the piece in time, or they drop said piece in a way that any part of the piece would stick out of the top of the lower LCD screen, the player loses a life.
Barbie and Skipper team up for a fun game of two-player Beach Volleyball against Midge and Teresa. Control Skipper and Barbie and decide if you want to pass, set or spike the ball. First team to 15 points wins the game!
POP Station is a Brick Game variant with the casing imitating a PlayStation Portable. It is a bootleg version of the already bootleg handheld Pop Station, which uses an LCD screen but isn't Brick Game-based.
JUST LIKE THE ORIGINAL - Feel nostalgic and retro while playing the most fun football handheld game of all time!
CLASSIC GAMEPLAY - Run, kick and move forward or sideways to avoid tacklers while playing by yourself or against someone else!
SHARE - Perfect for fans or collectors looking to share this classic with the new generation!
Football 2 (or II) was released in 1978. It is the Sequel to the popular Football I game. It adds the functionality of running forward and backward, passing, etc (and actually has a 10 yard playing field, not 9 like Football I). This game also has an 'Easter Egg' of sorts, if you hold down the 'Pass' button while turning on the game, you effectively get Pro 3 or Pro 4 difficulty settings for the game play (i.e., if you have the switch on Pro 1, holding down the pass will give you Pro 3, etc. Pro 4 is VERY fast and difficult to play.)
Football was released in 1977. It was labelled either Football or Football I (after the release of Football II). Early models of Football had an AC Adapter jack which was removed on later models (which would only run on batteries).
First released in June of 1977 as the second game released by Mattel (Auto Race was the first) and sold through Sears. After less than 100,000 were made, Sears (using a computer model based on initial sales figures) determined that the games would not be big sellers, and most of the production for Football and Auto Race was stopped. Within 6 months, it became obvious to Sears that their prediction was wrong, and production was started up again and reached previously unknown levels! (Reaching as many as 500,000 units a week by mid-February, 1978).
Released it as a pack-in for a version of the console released after the first revision. Unfortunately, it seems the cartridge was not released separately. This package came with both a game cartridge (dark blue) and a manga/design cartridge (light blue) for additional stamps. The game consists of a simple battle feature where you pick a character, draw a weapon for them, and battle various Rockman X3 villains in RPG-like battles.