Tiny Arcade tabletop edition is the newest addition to the Tiny Arcade line, the world's smallest full function, licensed retro video arcade games. Tiny Arcade tabletops are based on the "cocktail table" Style arcades that invaded restaurants and bars starting in the 1980s.
A full-size Pac-Man arcade game in a credit card size. The game comes with a full color screen, sound effects, and directional control buttons, with a micro USB charger included.
The Pac-Man Micro Player is one of many collectible mini arcade machines by My Arcade that feature some of the world's most beloved classic video games.
Pac-Man Tamagotchi is a handheld LCD game, released by Bandai Namco Entertainment in 2020 for Pac-Man’s 40th anniversary. The game is a “Tamagotchi,” with the player taking care of a virtual pet; Pac-Man helps the pets by scaring away Ghosts. Two Pac-Man-themed minigames are also included.
Li'l Pac-Man is a handheld LCD game released by Playskool in 2000. It is a very basic game intended for toddlers and preschoolers, which plays like a simplified version of Kaboom! for Atari 2600. The handheld was only test marketed in select K-Mart stores, and is very hard to find today.