Galactic Storm is a chase-view shooter in the same vain as Galaxy Force or Taito's own Night Striker. The player controls a spaceship equipped with a shield to withstand multiple hits, in addition to the standard shot there is a also a more effective special weapon in limited supply available. After taking off, the player flies on a predetermined course with some limited maneuvering room through the stages, facing of against waves of enemies (giant robots for example). At the end of a level, a stronger boss enemy awaits. Once this obstacle has been defeated, the ship's shields get recovered to some extent and the player can continue the flight through various environments, including for example the wide-openness of space, planetscapes covered with trees, and narrow tunnels.
In the City stages, bounce falling stockbrokers into the ambulance. In the Maze stages, collect sacks of money and avoid tanks. Can you save the world economy?
Konami later released an enhanced version of Salamander in Japan in 1987 bearing the American title of Life Force which further fleshes out the organic motif. All of the backgrounds and mechanical enemies are completely redrawn and given organic appearances. The power-up system was also modified, with the Japanese Life Force using the same power-up gauge as the original Gradius. Some music tracks have been completely changed for this release and the power-up gauge is arranged differently for both players.
The Japanese and European versions are nearly identical, but the American version changes the game's plot by adding an opening text that establishes the game to be set inside a giant alien life-form which is infected by a strain of bacteria. Stages that feature starfield backgrounds were changed to the web background from Stage 1 to maintain consistency with the organic setting of the plot. The power-ups are also given different names, with the "Speed-Up" becoming "Hyper Speed", the "Missile" becoming the "Destruct Missile", the "Ripple Laser" becoming the "Pulse Laser" and "Force Field" becoming the "Shield". Narration is added to the beginning of each stage, detailing the area of the alien's body which the player is currently inhabiting such as "Enter stomach muscle zone" or "Bio-mechanical brain attack".
Taiko 14 is the first arcade to feature the alternate scoring method, Shin-uchi Mode, which awards points based on the number of notes you hit and not the notes you hit in a row. You can alternate between regular and Shin-uchi Mode, however the high scores for both modes are different, and Shin-uchi Mode scores are not recorded.
It's the world's first video game to simulate the action and color of pinball... in a compact cabinet size.
Through the magic of mirrors, video images of the ball, flippers and drop targets are superimposed on an actual 3-dimensional blacklight playfield.