Tunnels & Trolls is the second ever fantasy role playing game published. A fantasy role playing game is a game where a leader, usually known as the gamemaster, has created an adventure for a group of friends, and the friends play the game and try to solve the problem or rescue the princess or kill the dragon or whatever. Ken St Andre read and tried to understand That Other Fantasy RPG, and decided that he could invent one that was easier to understand and so T&T was born, over 30 years ago. The game has gone through several editions since then, but it remains popular and is played all over the world. A group of five of us created the latest version: the Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls.
Sector Alpha is a three-dimensional arcade-type search and destroy game. Robot penetrator space craft are invading from three directions and you must face and destroy them in each direction of the playing field.
The planetary clust Shalix is plagued by an intergalactic dust cloud that blocked out their sun. Now the Shalix have built a fleet to colonize new worlds. Unfortunately they set their eyes on Spectron, the player's home world. It's up to the player to repel the invading forces from Shalix.
Repair the potholes in the road. If a beach ball gets in the way, pop it! But beware of beach bombs! You are driving around a continuously deteriorating road, where potholes are forming. You must drive over these potholes to repair them. Along the way, you can drive over beach balls to pop them for points. Don't let a pothole go too long because if it does, it will become a manhole. If a beach ball falls into a manhole, it will emerge as a beach bomb, that can damage you. In a two player game, knock your opponent into the bombs. In a one player game, avoid the other steamroller as it will kill you except for the last few seconds of the round. In that short time, hitting it will kill it.
Colecovision's only baseball game and first of the Super Action series, Super Action Baseball was specially designed to work with the Super Action controllers.
Batting is done with an angled view wherein you see your batter in the bottom-left of the screen and the pitcher at center-right. The top part of the screen is reserved for keeping an eye on the bases. As the ball approaches, your player attempts to hit the ball with his bat to send it flying. A successful hit will result in your player having to run around the bases. Running is done with the "wheel" on the top of the Super Action Controllers. Stealing is also possible.
Fielding is simple, using the Super Action controllers, players have 4 buttons to correspond to each base. Thus the ball can be thrown at any of the bases instantly.
Box art is fan made.
Another game in the Super Action series that makes use of Coleco's Super Action Controllers. Play against the computer or go head-to-head with a friend over 4 quarters of football action. Step back and throw the long bomb to your wide receiver dancing in the end zone, kick the field goal, or lay down a bone-crunching tackle as you control one of 3 offensive or 3 defensive players. What victory dance will you do as you dive across the goal line in the final seconds of the game?
Super Action Soccer gives you the chance to be the most accomplished star player of any team that ever was. You will be the goal-keeper diving to make incredible saves, the full back with fierce last minute tackles, the mid-field "general" directing shrewd passes and the centre forward scoring great goals. You will be involved all the time in the most exciting moments of the game. You will score the winning goal!
Team Pixelboy released Super Action Soccer for the North American audience.
There’s a new menace in the galaxy! It’s the evil Morplus from the planet Tzoris. Morplus are without question the fiercest warriors east of the Libra Super-Galactic Cluster. They arrive in teams of two to four members, and in waves with the more dangerous squadrons arriving later. In the more advanced skill levels, they’re impossible to stop! Both their flight patterns and bombing maneuvers are highly unpredictable. What can you do against odds like these? There’s only one hope: you must catch them in a devastating super cross force. The key is your awesome "Spectron" weapon, which creates a dual holographic laser blast. You can get them coming and going, and if you run low on energy, you can deftly swing your joystick to the left or right to catch the energy packs dropped by your mother ship.
Telly Turtle is basically a port of the LOGO programming language with the main character being a turtle. The keypad buttons of the Colecovision are used to issue commands from a selection presented on-screen and eventually, programs can be formed to move Telly Turtle around the screen in a series of directions. Music and Sound Effects are also added into the mix to broaden the programming experience.
Spook needs to escape from the King of Id's dungeons. He slips out but Turnkey is in pursuit. He needs to solve math problems to open the way to his escape.
Wizard of Id's WizMath is an educational game to teach mathematics. Using your joystick, you must move blocks into place so they complete a correct math problem and answer. If you push against a block, you will send it flying until it hits a wall or another block. You can also face a block and hold down the button. While keeping the button down, you can then slide the block as needed. There is a sixty second time limit and you are being pursued by Turnkey. Early levels require only one math problem to exit but later levels require two or more.
Early in the game, you can select a floor on an elevator. The higher the floor, the more difficult the math problems. The game also asks your age. The older you say you are, the higher a floor it tries to start you on, although you can select a lower floor.
Gameplay is identical to that of Smurf Paint & Play Workshop, in that players can draw and create their own scenes, or choose from any one of four background scenes and start to add clip-art objects, furniture and free form design.
Create any number of decorated scenarios and then use either controller to change into one of four Cabbage Patch Kids characters and play around in the graphic you have created. Characters are able to move left, right, up, down... jump and drop.
Though you can record your animations and play them back, there is no method of saving your work, so it all disappears when the power goes off.
There are eight dance steps to choose from and endless ways to put them together. You decide how long your dance is, where the dancers move, and how they dance together. And that creates the freedom children need to stretch their imaginations and create their own special works of art.
Fortune Builder has it all! Educational and fun, FORTUNE BUILDER lets you plan, build and run your own community. Race against time to achieve your financial goal in a One-Player Game or compete with another tycoon in a Two-Player Game. Either way.
Fortune Builder is a challenge. Your community will be laid out on a map of undeveloped land, consisting of a seacoast with beachfront. two mountain ranges, midlands, a river and a lake, with a main highway running north and south. You'll start with a fixed amount of cash, enabling you to buy and build a large variety of proper-ties: hotels, condos, marinas, factories, malls, gas stations and numerous other facilities.
The challenge is to build them where they will draw the most traffic, thereby increasing profits. And all the while, you must keep an eye on bulletins that may affect your efforts, watching for changes in every-thing from consumer trends to the weather. Fortune Builder teaches problem solving and helps you learn, in a way both fun and realistic, about ec
A tall building is on fire, and while all the human inhabitants seem to be safe, their cats are trapped in the flames. It is up to the brave fireman Frantic Freddy to save all the cats, floor by floor.
Frantic Freddy is an arcade action game where Freddy must run back and forth on the ground, dodging falling rubbish while shooting water at flames in the windows of a building. When all fires are extinguished, the game progresses to the next floor, where Freddy can climb between the floors, shooting to the left and right instead of upwards. On these levels, there are two kinds of flames – the red and the purple ones. The purple ones are more aggressive, following Freddy around the screen, and can only be put out once all the red ones are extinguished. The game progresses in this way, alternating between the upwards-shooting levels and the sideways-shooting levels.
On the higher difficulty levels, cats turn up at intervals in the windows, falling down after a while. Freddy must catch the cats, or he will lose a li
Illusions is a surreal ColecoVision video game in which the player maneuvers blobs around the screen, trying to get them to merge, or, alternatively, split apart. At times, lizards may chase the blobs around. The water bucket, when spilled, can cause the lizard to turn into a fish. If the fish remains there too long, however, it turns into a bird. The game was created by Nice Ideas, a division of Mattel that was located midway between Cannes and Nice.
In this brilliant text and graphics game, you start with a guitar, a few bucks and enough raw talent to sit in with the Stones or the Police. Now you've got some big decisions to make as you pick one of three levels and let IT'S ONLY ROCK 'N ROLL take you down a whirlwind road seeking the unbelievable wealth, status and popularity points you'll need to succeed. If you're really good if you can avoid exhausting tours, bad managers. lousy material and too much fun — if you can keep your money, stay happy, and interpret the record charts and newspaper headlines — you'll be the all time reigning KING OF ROCK AND ROLL! Fail and you'll be playing the opening act blues. But whether you end up a superstar or a has-been, ITS ONLY ROCK 'N ROLL AND YOU'LL LIKE IT! LOVE IT! YES YOU WILL!
JUKEBOX is a musical strategy game that's kind of a cross between a chess match and a dance contest. During the game the jukebox plays lots of terrific songs—songs so good you never want them to stop. But to keep the music playing. you've got to create gold records. Use your dancing shoes to jump from square to square. creating hit records as you go. The more gold records you get, the more coins you earn. Use the coins to keep the music bopping and the game from stowing. And not only is JUKEBOX fun to play. it's also a challenging learning game. By studying the size and configuration of records. players develop strategies to avoid being trapped. Memory and concentration skills are tested as players plan their moves from square to square. And by recognizing patterns. players sharpen their prediction skills. All together. JUKEBOX is an exciting challenge with plenty of fun for young and old alike.
In Lunar Leeper, one of Sierra's earlier arcade games, players had to rescue prisoners on a planet's surface while avoiding the "Leepers", who would leap into the air in an attempt to grab them, and one of the Leepers feature in this game. Similar to Learning with FuzzyWOMP, the player can select one of four games, by moving the Leeper to the icon and pressing the fire button to select it.