Play as two Dungeon Girl Scouts as they try their best to sell cookies to monsters! Venture forth into a dungeon, make new friends, and solve a mystery.
I mean, what could go wrong when you are all prepared?
Cat Walk is a cat fashion game. Wear the right clothes to themed parties and get insider info on what clothing styles each company likes. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, you've got to earn enough FishCoins to pay your debt at the end of each week.
Welcome to the Sheridan Hotel Snail Detective. The owner of this hotel, Mr. Sheridan, was found dead last night. Who committed this foul deed? Is murder the only crime afoot? What does pasta sauce have to do with anything? It's up to you to solve the case!
Tetris Gems is an all-new Tetris game variant designed to both challenge and entertain puzzle fans. Whether you're new to Tetris or a seasoned expert, Tetris Gems rewards players for clearing lines and uncovering Gems. An added element of luck helps level the playing field, making Tetris Gems the perfect puzzler for all Tetris fans.
"I'll be here" is a 10-hour prototype made for the NYU Game Center's prototype studio MFA class. This prototype is designed to be played alongside Emperatriz Ung's "On A Cloudy Day."
Fight your way through an onslaught of more than 4 billion consecutive boss fights in top-down shooting arcade action madness. Dodge bullet-hell as your ship automatically shoots the core of the enemy.