It is the year 19xx in England. You are an Indian university student who attended the boarding school Grayling Towers. You are returning to the town of Grayling after your first year at university to meet your old school friends: Cicily Thomas, Fatima Khan, and Susheela Rajaram. As the only Indian girls at Grayling Towers, the four of you quickly became close friends, but you haven't seen each other in a year. You're not sure what has changed since then, but this is your chance to find out.
"Such, Such Were the Joys" is a queer historical dating sim set in mid-century England, with six possible endings. It is inspired by the English school stories of authors like Enid Blyton and Elinor Brent-Dyer, while trying to acknowledge some of the colonial and racial realities that those stories ignored.
This tiny bitsy game / visual novel tells the story of an experienced queer female sexworker and her last client. It approaches the struggles of queer self discovery, anxiety and confrontation with internalized fears as a result of queerphobic environments.
Armor Mayhem is a side-scrolling shooter game developed by Louissi. It features a full-fledged campaign, which is played both to progress through the story and earn money which is used to purchase new weapons and armor from the armory.
Wordchain is a daily word game where players are given a starting letter and a scrambled set of additional letters. Players must use those letters to form a word from the starting letter. The last letter of that word becomes the first letter of the next word to be made.
A new Sudoku puzzle each day! Indulge in your daily habit with all the bells and whistles from some classic Sudoku including notes, auto-cleanup, and slash notes.
Run. Jump. Bend gravity to your will.
Dizzying heights and insurmountable slopes are no problem with the Gravitational Manifold Anomaly Device.
This is the full, super-fun-happy version of the game formerly known as Manifold.
Run. Jump. Bend gravity to your will.
Dizzying heights and insurmountable slopes are no problem with the Gravitational Manifold Anomaly Device.
Don’t get mad, get GMAD!
You can't remember the last time you left your room. When you receive a barcode reader in the mail, you discover that the world around you is not what it seems, and must escape the bars of black and white.
"Bars of Black and White" is a game in the room-escape tradition with hand-drawn line art graphics and novel barcode-scanning action. Is the world insane, or is it you?
A maintenance text adventure about a person living underground in a limestone mine and their work maintaining the local communication network that has sprung up there.
Stemming from a (real!) visit to a decommissioned limestone mine that is now used to house RVs and boats over the winter (and a subsequent phone notification, under several hundred feet of rock, that the space station was visible overhead), Drift Mine Satellite imagines what a post-apocalyptic community life might look like among sleeping vacation vehicles. It is a utopian apocalypse fantasy, a forever-camping world narrowed to linear miles of RVs parked under a mountain, the people who live in them, and the systems that interconnect them, both social and material.
The game was commissioned for Solar Protocol, a network of solar powered servers that connects from whatever server is in the most sunshine. It is programmed for the browser, with low-energy use and computational power front of mind. The entire story is told via spatialized text - no ima
The Tenth Doctor has become trapped inside the TARDIS - right inside. His consciousness has been accidentally transferred into the TARDIS' memory core.
You will have to guide the Doctor through four sectors of the TARDIS' neutral network - gathering artron energy crystals along the way to reach the data/matter converter and escape.
The Eleventh Doctor has to help several humans escaping from the Silence by beaming the humans and Oods up to the TARDIS. It uses codes from the Doctor Who Monster Invasion magazine to get extra power-up and points.