Bundesfighter 2 Turbo is a spoof of Street Fighter 2 released by Bohemian Browser Balett as a satirical take on the German elections (also known as Bundestagswahl) of 2017.
The player can choose between Angela Merkel (CDU), Martin Schulz (SPD), Özdehardt (Grüne), Sarah Wagenknecht (Linke), Alexander Gauland (AFD) and Christian Lindner (FDP), all having movesets based on conspirancies, jokes and prejudices surrounding their parties.
The night is dark, and the rain keep hitting the windshield of your car. An inexplicable breakdown forces you to stop, and to keep going on foot. This is when you spot, a few hundred yards ahead, the glow of a strange forgotten house in the middle of the woods.
The tagline for this short piece of interactive fiction is, "a lifetime of doubts in an instant of self-destruction." Undone unfolds in the moments between two scenes at a research lab in Antarctica. Text and images explore topics in consciousness, organization, physics, and dreams.
A Flash-based, chain reaction game in where players must fry as many pigs as possible. The pigs are on edge and will fire at the first sign of trouble, causing further chaos and combos. Once the player gets enough money and stars, they can purchase upgrades in the shop to grant the pigs more guns and explosives to keep combos going.
It is a browser-based puzzle game based on planar graphs. Set how many vertices you want, whether you want the line to highlight if it is not touching another and untangle to your heart's content. It is a re-code of John Tantalo's original game that no longer functions due to lack of flash support.
WordyBuilder is a word guessing game in German. Reassemble the given letters to form words that are valid under official scrabble rules. You play it via Twitch Chat.
Webosaurs is a former MMORPG, which involved a virtual world containing online games and activities, developed by American studio Reel FX Entertainment. Players could use cartoon dinosaur-avatars and play in a landscape-set world, with a variety of different themes.
LetterSchmetter is a new browser game, which is currently still in closed beta. In this game you have to form words from an anagram in German. The individual letters bring different points, whereby the rounds become more difficult after each solved turn. The game is available for Twitch and is intended as a community game, since the entire chat is involved.
In addition, undiscovered words are displayed, so that there is also a learning effect here.
The name "LetterSchmetter" is a mixture of the English word "Letter" and the German word "Schmetter" (means to bounce something at high speed on a surface).
At the moment 25 german streamers are involved and test all functions live in their streams.
If the Beta finished, the german community have a new game.
After the released were planned to run the game in english, spanish and french language after a short period of release time.
A turn-based combat Flash game where 2 penguins must battle other penguins floating on icebergs. Either deplete the opponents' HP or knock them off their icebergs; the last penguin standing wins! The game is the predecessor to Raft Wars, a 2007 Flash game using the same art style, objects, physics, and sound effects.