Grow Tower is another great strategy game straight out of the popular Grow series. As its name already suggests, it is your objective to build a giant tower and enable the little man to reach airy heights in order to ring the colorful bell at the top of the screen. But which element to put first? A piece of a wall? A rock or a flowerpot?
In this tricky game, the sequence is the key to your goal. It is absolutely essential to put the elements on the screen in the correct order, so every object levels up to the maximum and your tower grows to the highest of its potential.
Sacred Seasons was a free to play MMORPG. The game boasted 16 playable classes, with 4 classes available per season, each with their own unique skills.
The Intruder is an interactive narrative based on a story by Jorge Luis Borges. The viewer must compete in some rudimentary games to hear, read and see the story. Thoroughly well-observed, and compelling, The Intruder takes about 15 minutes to navigate. The games are not difficult but act as an aid to the narrative and introduce levels of addiction to the telling of the story.
Sock and Awe is a minimal 2008 Flash game created by British entrepreneur Alex Tew, recreating the Bush shoeing incident and putting the player in the shoes of journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi who flinged a shoe at George W. Bush during a news conference.
Spent is a video game about poverty and the challenges it brings forth for each and every person. Throughout the game, players make series of decision which impacts their income. Each decision is connected to different dilemma and problem tied to the health, the level of education and providing the basic needs for your family members. Often there is no “good” solution to issue at hand, which for some, might raise the level of frustration. At the same time, thanks to such model of the game, everyone can gain the better understanding of the everyday struggles of people struck with poverty and homelessness.
Angry Brides is an online flash-based browser game on Facebook. It was launched by the matchmaking site to help raise awareness of dowry harassment in India.
Exploit is a strategic pseudohacking game about a US hacker. One day, he receives a message from his friend sk3tch who tells him about the island Locha, a dictatorship in the middle of the ocean that filters internet access through a firewall, a government-mandated censor designed to curtail any political dissent. Sk3tch urges the hacker to use his skills for good and compromise it to bring some freedom to the country.
Tropical America is a game that fuses the new world of video games to a compelling past through a journey to unravel the mysteries of the Americas. Your journey begins as the sole survivor of a terrible massacre - you must find four pieces of evidence to bring justice to the memory of your small village.
Developed in collaboration with Los Angeles artists, teachers, writers and high school students, the game features a bilingual, thematic gameplay, accompanied by an online database of educational resource materials, source texts and imagery.
A Duck Has An Adventure is an unique hypercomic adventure game that challenges you to discover all the different possible lives one duck could live. From adventures on the high seas to the halls of academia and beyond, every choice you make builds a new pathway along which to explore.
When you approach Kuroki, interact to catch her.
Catching succeeds or fails depending on Kuroki's current speed and game progression.
If you catch Kuroki you win the game. Loses when the other characters catches Kuroki or Kuroki runs away.
DelugeRPG is an online Pokémon role playing game. You can catch, train and battle Pokémon. To get started, go here and fill out the registration process.
Where you can catch pokemon, trade them and even battle them against other players. The game was initially based on a lot of features from, but has expanded a lot since then.
Fancy Island is a Japanese horror puzzle game with the front page being disguised as a cute Nekomimi illustration gallery front. Upon clicking the catgirl in the middle, the game will begin. The objective is to reach the goal gallery in a point-and-click environment while avoiding jumpscares/monsters.
Floodsim is a flash-based serious game created by Norwich Union in cooperation with Playgen in 2008 in order to raise awareness of the dangers that flooding present to the United Kingdom. The goal of the game is to protect the people of the United Kingdom from floods that damage the economy and lives of the people through an assortment of realistic means over a time span of three years.
Solve a murder in a near future world by diving into the Wikipedia of that world.
Have you ever lost yourself in a Wikipedia rabbit hole? Imagine doing that for the Wikipedia of the year 2049. This is Neurocracy, an interactive narrative experience that offers an anthology of compelling sci-fi stories inside and between the hyperlinked articles of an online encyclopedia. It is both a single-player alternate reality game and an epistolary hypertext novel, opening with a high-profile assassination that you must investigate and solve.
Playing out entirely on a website with no download required, Neurocracy invites you to go it alone or join forces with others to piece together what has happened, and what is happening, in the world of 2049. Using the narrative power of your imagination, chase implications and interpretations by reading between the lines and arranging a story from a deeper pool of potential stories. Find clues, draw connections, compare notes, and ultimately solve a murder.