Raft Wars is a popular flash game from the late 2000s. It is a strategic shooter game similar to the popular mobile game Angry Birds. As the end of support for flash happened at the end of 2020, the developer and his team ported the game to the most advanced web platform HTML5 and released it on late 2019.
iSketch is a game where you draw a given word while the rest of the users in your room score points by guessing it. Be creative and don't use letters!
iSketch is also useful to learn different languages as people from all over the world play it 24/7
Pareidolia (or, Why I Saw Pac-Man Everywhere In 2020) is my game-essay entry for the Critical Distance pandemics and games essay jam which was held in early 2021.
This short Bitsy game shares the connections I felt between Pac-Man and that weird year that was 2020. And please don't come away from the game thinking that I hate Pac-Man; I still have a great fondness for the pucky little game.
As with my other Bitsy games, Pareidolia was another attempt to push the engine as far as I could. This time I delved into modifying the javascript engine code itself. Which is, I suppose, the Bitsy equivalent of wall-hacking but it proved to be a nice way to work.
The game places the player as Agent P within the Phineas and Ferb - Star Wars crossover universe. The game features three levels, in each of which the player must fight their way past Darthenschmirtz's Normtroopers to rescue their fellow agents before battling Darthenschmirtz in an arena, where the agents they rescued return to help them out.
Ski Stunt Simulator is a realistic physics-based simulation of acrobatic ski stunts with intuitive "mouse gesture" controls.
The player has to ski down a slope, perform certain stunts and land safely. If you succeed the crowd will cheer, if you crash the crowd emphatically yells out "aah". Ski Stunt Simulator was first released as a online Java game/experiment. Later it was released for Windows with more features and levels and better graphics.
The first Java web based game only has 4 stages: kicker jump, crash & burn, the wall and practise. The Windows version has 23 stages divided over 4 difficulty levels: trainer, beginner, intermediate and professional. The Windows version also has additional features like collapsing cliffs and bridges, falling boulders, a bombshell and a jet pack
You control the posture of the skier through the X and Y position of the mouse cursor. Move the mouse up and the skier straightens out, move down and he’ll crouch. Move left or right and he’ll lean forward or backward. The simu
WikiAdventure is a multiplayer game combining culture and speed. Players compete against each other on Wikipedia and have to scroll through the pages as quickly as possible to win.
Zombie Lane was a social network game, released on Facebook and Google+ where your goal was to rebuild your shattered neighborhoods after a destruction by a zombie apocalypse.
Burn Pulse Detach is a project written over a couple of years, in bits and pieces, and finally stitched together to form the project above, reflections on disjointed chaotic jumbles of potentially disordered/non-neurotypical thoughts, usually stemming from moments of emotional extremity.