Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right... OOPS!!! You lose!! Alternate left right for about 5 hours without messing up and you could win the gold!!
StrongBadZone is a vector graphics game that plays similarly to the Diamonds 3D game for the PC and Mac. You are a spikey-headed cyber-shield guy (with a cyber-shield) trying to block "perplexing 3D geometric attacks" that come flipping toward you. If you hit them, they bounce back. The object of the game is to try to hit Vector Strong Bad's head until it disappears. The game's graphical style appears to be a reference to Nintendo's ill-fated 3D system, the Virtual Boy. The graphics of the console were well-known for solely consisting of the colors red and black, much like those in StrongBadZone. In particular, the game stylistically resembles the Virtual Boy vector game Red Alarm, which at one point also features a large face that must be destroyed.
Population: Tire is a game by Videlectrix that takes place in Strong Badia in which you use your mouse cursor to keep the Tire bouncing in the air as long as possible. Increase your score multiplier by hitting birds, balloons, The Cheat and Strong Sad, and beware of wind changes and flying Cold Ones!
No man slays dungeons quite like the Thy Dungeonman from the Thy Dungeonman computer game series. Hi-res graphics improve on the no-res graphics from the previous text-onlyventures. Get ye flask, fool!
In Thy Dungeonman II you play the same custodial knight, Thy Dungeonman, trying to escape from the usual collection of tunnels, mazes, monsters and puzzles. The game is made by Videlectrix as the sequel to Thy Dungeonman. In turn, this game has its own sequel, Thy Dungeonman 3.
Roomisodic gaming makes its debut with Strong Bad's secret detective-for-hire action hero: Dangeresque! Point and Click your way to adventure but don't forget the Arrow Keys!
A text-based game made by Charlie Dart. It is a game about ghosts, yes, but it's also about getting to know a character for whom things are not going to end well.