This is a techbase themed map for Doom 2, where you are sent to Mars Base Rama to investigate an incident in subsector B3. The base personnel has vanished and in its place you encounter hordes of hellish demons. What happened?
"Finish the fight in DLC Pack 4 for Call of Duty: WWII – Shadow War. Make a final strike to the enemy's evil ambitions in three new Multiplayer maps: Excavation, Airship, and Chancellery. Uncover the secrets of a classified Axis weapons facility in a new objective-based War Mode mission: Operation Arcane. Plus, experience the final chapter in the Nazi Zombies saga: Frozen Dawn."
Dirty Bomb takes first person shooters back to their purest roots in a fast-paced team game that will challenge even the most competent players. This game won’t hold your hand, in fact it is more likely to kick your teeth in. With no controller support or aim assist, all that lies between you and certain death is player skill and reaction. Work together or die alone in the most challenging team-based FPS.
Terracotta / 12 SP maps / Danzadan, Ing-ing, ionous, ish, JCR, muk0r, Newhouse, PinchySkree, prengle, Shambler, vaf, Andrew Yoder
Includes various custom skyboxes and map sources, and some of the maps may require a source port with increased limits.
The map was designed to be SP only, for GZDoom (works fine in 3.3.1) and so jumping, crouching and freelook is allowed, the arctic setting was originally inspired by 'The Thing', however it soon evolved into a more traditional doom map. This was a submission for the Vinesauce Mapping Contest II.
Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon is a total conversion for Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition through Eduke32. It stars Duke Nukem and a woman named Bombshell, A cut character who was supposed to be Duke's sidekick in Duke Nukem Forever as a second playable character. It boasts new levels, new weapons, new sound effects, new graphics, new music, new enemies, new voice-overs, and new bosses.
Duga is an oldschool first-person shooter with roguelike elements! If you are a fan of games like Wolfenstein 3D and Doom, you'll like Duga. With endless maps, you'll never know what to find in the next room.
With an included level editor, you will be able to create and play your own levels. Share them with others online or try their creations!
Imperishable Memories is a narrative-driven shoot-em-up game developed in Unity for PC, Mac, and Linux. It combines bullet-hell gameplay with flashy cutscenes and angsty pondering to tell a story about coming to terms with horrible mistakes and gaining the strength to move on, little by little.
Something is coming. Your town is not safe. Your family is not safe from SPIDERS! Nature's perfect predator has had enough and now they're taking revenge... They're at the top of the food chain now.
Seat of War is a multiplayer team based shooter. Fight alongside your teammates in an 8-player war using a variety of iconic weapons. Be ready to kill all your enemies in this game of survival.
Struggle - Antaresian Legacy is a 32-level partial-conversion megawad for Doom II requiring a limit-removing source port. It was released by antares031 in 2018 and won of one of the 25th Annual Cacowards.
The highly anticipated sequel to Doom, this GOG release brings not only Doom II, but the expansions, “Master Levels of Doom” and “Final Doom”. With more vast and polished levels, more enemies and more weapons, Doom II expands the Doom universe and provides an even more thrilling experience for fans of the series. The game and expansions were ported to multiple systems over the years and, like its predecessor, it continues to have a thriving modding and multiplayer community to this day. Undoubtedly a fine addition to the franchise, these campaigns will have you blasting the demons out of Earth and Hell for hours on end.
Another Func_Msgboard release.
Underwater Jam - a community map pack featuring nine (under)water-themed levels by various authors. They use different texture styles and some custom monsters/assets.
This massive (66366 Kilobytes) map pack will last you well over 3 hours of playtime.
"Armed Heist is an action-packed third person shooter game that lets gamers take part in an epic crime spree. Robbing banks and armored trucks has never been so much fun. Have you been looking for a great third person shooter game you just can't stop playing? Well you are in the right place. Welcome to the world of crime. Try to complete over 70 challenges! You have a mission in front of you - become a ruthless legendary thug and crime lord!
You only have to be smarter and more skillful than your enemies. Use different masks and weapons to achieve your goals. Make your character gain levels by unlocking and customizing a variety of weapons and gear. Start to earn tons of cash. Your journey in the life of crime has only started.
The CRIME MAP offers a huge range of dynamic hit jobs, and players are free to choose anything from small-time jewelry store robbery's, to big-league heists of major bank vaults.
As you progress the jobs become bigger, better, more challenging and more rewarding. Along with the prestige o
Hexen Upstart Mapping Project (also known as XUMP) is a 12-level PWAD for Hexen, made for GZDoom. The project was led by Tom Jensen (HexenMapper) as a community project, with various mappers contributing to the final release. The project was inspired by the Doom Upstart Mapping Project series.
This map involves running on precarious "glitter bridges" while in the line of fire of several death wyverns, as well as being swarmed by numerous foes continually spawning in randomly.
A Half-Life Total Conversion set in the Half-Life universe. You are a Scientist, Candidate Twelve, On your way to work at an unspecified location for unspecified duties. I think you know the rest...