Black Gunner Wukong is a Rougelike type shooting game.
In the game, the player takes on the role of Wukong , who enters a U.S. military base to rescue his master who has been captured by Diden.
In the game, all creatures are identified as armed helicopters and supermarket shopping bags, not as female and male!
This is a vanilla-compatible four map mini WAD titled "The Mystery of Mount Fang". After enjoying your "vacation", you're hired by an anonymous benefactor to go hiking in Mount Fang, a huge mountain located in Hell. Your mission: To gather information and clues about about a long extinct civilisation that apparently worshipped a guardian spirit taking on the appearance of a huge shark. But you have a suspicion that the thing who hired you knows more about this place than they let on...
The Vast Silence is a Doom 64-themed episode for Doom 2 designed for limit removing source ports made by various members of Doomer Boards, led by Matador.
Remix Jam is a 30 (+start) map jam for the Copper mod (included) that takes iconic Multiplayer layouts from various games and adapts them into the Quake universe
This map is a representation of the Sonoran Desert, part of Arizona, made using only Ultimate Doom's stock textures. It is inspired by the autobiography of Romero, who lived in the city of Tucson, located next to this desert.
The Year of the Dragon update for Space Dragon will include a fully playable mixed reality mode, new gameplay modes, performance and visual upgrades, and new cosmetics.
Content Update 29 (“CU29”) brings a new Arena map, a Covenant object palette and new Forge features, a new armor core and customization rewards, and the first of three free Operations—starting with the Halo Wars-themed “Spirit of Fire.” This operation will be followed up by "Cyber Showdown III" and "The Yappening II" operations. Playlist refreshes will also launch during CU29, including new map additions to the Big Team Battle, Firefight King of the Hill, and Squad Battle playlists.
CU29 will be the first of many future planned updates that will replace the current "season" model, electing instead to provide smaller content drops but at more frequent intervals.
Voice in the Abyss is an 8 map CL9/Boom megawad where doom guy hears voice calling him deeper into the the madness. Fight your way through the demonic hordes
to the end to see what surprises await you.
After the end of the games you will be sent to a new game pulse version of the maps where the difficulty is increased or start at map 09 to start out on the new game pulse difficulty.
Undiscovered Technology of the Pharaohs is a map pack using a new yet unreleased Alkaline devkit. It features 3 egypt/techbase themed maps (start, main map, end).
This DLC contains one Legendary Hunter, two Legendary weapons, and one Legendary tool: The Cowl (Hunter), Rib Burster (Springfield M1892 Krag Bayonet), Eye Taker (Hunting Bow), Swarm Cutter (Throwing Knives).
Includes 5 cosmetic items, including a suit skin for the tank "Roadblock Alpha", which sets up shields and builds defense lines. The fluffy-bodied rabbit♪ Equip him with cosmetic items and he will protect all of his friends♪
Includes 5 cosmetic items, including a suit skin for the assault "Barrage Alpha", which destroys enemies by bombing them with rocket launchers. Mystic, which wears an eerie atmosphere! Equipped with cosmetic items, blow away both enemies and evil spirits with a powerful blast!