Adventure through sewers, creepy houses, forests, caves, mines, underground rivers, dockyard, deserts, boats, prisons, space robots. Drive and race hovercrafts and your desert buggy down the sewers and dangerous desert track. Pseudomod will give you multiple hours of quality singleplayer gameplay and enjoyment.
SCP-682 has escaped its containment cell, MTF group was deployed to contain it. Use guns to severe its limbs and cease its movements or to slow it down. There are 2 control rooms, the first one is for security cameras and the other for Acid. Your goal is to contain SCP-682 by submerging it in Acid.
Surreal, sometimes eerie, fast-paced, textureless(-ish, there's only 1 texture that looks like anything) mappack that uses a modified version of supercharge where every monster is a hyper-aggressive non-infighting glass cannon, taking some inspiration from extremely early game builds and tech demos.
Trunkal has the three most coveted moons in the galaxy, natural sources of unique energy power, they generate all the energy for the planet, and there is also all the military defense that has always prevented any attempt at alien invasion, in all there are 72 stations scattered across the moons, but the unlikely happened, the Kirgons, an alien race that consumed all the resources of their planet discovered that Trunkul can become the perfect environment for a new home. Then, one day, 72 machines known as sentinels, invaded Trunkul's defense system and took over the lunar facilities ending all defense of the planet, If that wasn't enough, they also drained the moon's energy to charge a ray that would be fired and annihilate all life on the planet. But the resistance has figured out how to disable the sentinels, and only the best pilot in the galaxy, Michael Gabes aboard the X-1 can accomplish the mission before the beam charges and fires....
Corruption is a thirty-five level MBF21 mapset created by @NinjaDelphox, @EVILNECK, and @Arsinikk, comprised of detailed and action heavy maps inspired by Back to Saturn X2 and Hell Revealed II, along with other games such as Final Fantasy, Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Metroid, Resident Evil, and Mega Man.
Extensive sprite, sound effect, and dehacked changes have been created and used for Corruption to tie in with its story and provide a much more unique experience than a standard Doom II mapset. A lot of attention to detail has also been paid to various source port extras such as GLDEFS, custom obituaries for monsters, edited menu graphics, additional enemies in the ending cast call, and much more.
Every Map has been designed to be able to be pistol started, but I highly recommend not doing that on a first playthrough. Normal mode is the intended way to experience the game, but medium and easy difficulties have been implemented, as well as a new harder difficulty called “Xtreme” (Ultra-Violence Plus), and on Z
Map design philosophies in the main maps include: kind to blind players, balance for players who don't find secrets, balance between routes, mappers are competent at beating their own maps. Lots and lots of playtesting...
Medium sized industrial Cr8 base map, a remix of rd1m4 from Runner's Delight (1999). Built on Alkaline 1.2 RC1 devkit (already included). Map source is included too.
Survive waves of enemies on a hostile alien world and contend with random modifiers every 10 seconds. Find new weapons scattered across the map. Watch your stats and try to use the most optimal damage type. How many waves will you survive?
100 Line Christmas is a mini community project targeting Vanilla Doom 2 (complevel 2). The project is inspired by Arsinikk and NinjaDelphox's 100 Line Massacre.
As the 100 in the title suggests, each map was limited to 100 lines at most. Mappers were only given one week to make maps for the project.
The megawad comes with 30 maps (28 normal + 2 secret) from the Doomworld Community! All maps were designed with pistol start in mind, though continuous play is perfectly fine. Each map should take around 2-5 minutes to finish.
Jolly Junkyard is a short Industrial/Post-Apocalyptic Christmas episode for Doom 2 designed for limit removing source ports made by various members of Doomer Boards for the holiday season.
Batman rogue city is a doom total conversion mod featuring the famous caped crusader as he works to take down his rogues gallery once again. The game controls similarly to doom eternal, using the zmovement mod as a base. Grapple up buildings, sneak up on thugs, and drive the batmobile in the best doom superhero experience to date.
The Deal is a total conversion single player mission mod for Call of Duty 4 which is heavily inspired from the 007 James Bond movies along with other video games and movies. The mission revolves around a secret meeting that takes place in middle of London on which the MI6 is spying upon.
13 varied (some rather large) maps + custom start map. This year, there was no 1024^3 space constraint, and jammers used a mix of Halloween and Christmas themes since there was no Halloween jam.
The DNF2001 Restoration Project was created roughly a day or two after the August 21, 2001 and October 26, 2001 versions of Duke Nukem Forever; dated a whole 10 years before the release of the final game, were leaked by x0r_jmp on the /v/ board of 4chan. This resulted in a flurry of renewed interest in Duke and the game itself; and quickly attracted both vets and new blood alike interested in modifying the game's source code.