You're Alexander Shepard - Corporal and a soldier of the Hazardous Environment Combat Unit. You don't know exactly what's going on. But orders came in to pack up everything and head out for a highly classified mission. The destination - Black Mesa research facility. Nobody knows for sure what has happened down there but you will find out soon enough.
Cold Blood is an online story driven coop mod based in the Resident Evil universe. You'll come across many areas from the games, plus a few original areas you'll have never seen before. Using weapons you thought you'd never use, you'll dispatch dozens of different kinds of monsters from Hunters to Giant Spiders to our favorite deadites, zombies.
You take you on the roll of XET member Bill Freeman. XET is supposed to be the survey team mentioned late in the game and in parts of Blue-Shift. You will visit new parts of Black Mesa and old parts of it; you will, of course, also visit Xen.
Chemical Existence puts you in the role of Reece Max whom simply is in the wrong place at the wrong time. He gets mixed up with fighting gangs, evil corporations and mutated creatures…
Playing as Adrian Shephard set shortly after the nuclear bomb that devastated the Black Mesa Research Facility. You find yourself on a Xen “island” being kept out of harms way.
Fortunately, you have managed to contact a scientist back on Earth and he can help you return. Whether that’s a good thing only time will tell!
TWHL Tower 2 is the follow-up to the collaborative mod TWHL Tower from 2016. A group of regulars at The Whole Half-Life site created a map (or 2, or 3!) that make up the floors in this tower. Each floor has a very small footprint but each has its own unique style, for you to fight/puzzle/sneak through on your way down from the roof. Reach the ground floor and finally escape!
Back in February 2015, a group project was set up at The Whole Half Life (TWHL). Each mapper would be given a set amount of space in order to create a floor in a tower. The gameplay, appearance and story of each floor is unique, decided by the mapper. After a few months, the final maps were sent to Urby, who linked them together, added a start and end map, and the result was TWHL Tower!
This mod will let us into a horroristic world in the Andrew Parker asylum and we will live through (or not) in the view of a mental patient. The mod’s primal object is not the insane bloodbath. The real object is to escape from the huge building which holds a lot of secrets.
After fighting your way across Xen and escaping in a rocket, you are captured and imprisoned aboard an Earth vessel full of grunts, lead by the our old friend the G-Man.
What happens next? I’m afraid that’s up to you. Good luck. You’ll need it.
PVK is a modification to Valve Software's Half-Life, featuring three-way action between very unique teams, each from wide-ranging historical time periods, and composed of very unique classes. Here in the PVK universe, fun is emphasized over realism: there's plenty of fun to spread around! Both team cooperation and individual merit may play large roles at different times. Similarly, calculated genocide and reckless kamikaze attacks will coexist! You'll find all the sadistic, maniacal gore or absurdist existential humor anyone could want! So no matter who you are, you will be able to find your "bag" here, baby.
Years have passed since the Black Mesa incident. Since then, things have gone to hell. People are being killed by the millions by a force beyond our comprehension, the world is in absolute chaos, destruction washes over like a roaring sea of agony, and the human race is closing on it's demise. Absolute doom is inevitable, and all hope is lost.
None of that matters, though, because you've been awoken from your slumber... and you're really pissed about it.
The action takes place in a scientific complex, which is located somewhere in the Arctic. In the caves, scientists have found a new form of life, which is resistant to frost and incredibly aggressive to intrusion. The staff at the complex do not have sufficient means to counter it. As a consequence they are forced to ask for help from the military, but the military, apparently, have their own plans for the incident.
Set during the American revolutionary war, the Battle Grounds is a Half-Life Modification where you and your teammates will need to fight together strategically in order to overcome the enemy forces.
In The Battle Grounds you can play as a soldier in one of two opposing armies: 'The British Army' and 'The Colonial Continental Army'
Adrenaline Gamer is a full Half-Life Deathmatch replacement mod and is considered to be the OSP mod for Half-Life. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Adrenaline Gamer, think of it as an extension to HLDM which offers more choices, more control, more options, more features... and ultimately more fun!
Starting with a black sequence, it’s clear you were in some medical distress. Fortunately, the HEV did what it was supposed to do: protect and heal you. Waking up being guarded by Assassins, seems the least of your troubles. Pick up the crooked crowbar, go about your usual day: creating mayhem and destruction!
HTC is a small map pack for Half-Life in which you take control of Jane Doe, a HECU grunt, while hunting for the assassin who left you and your buddies for the Grim Reaper.
The story continues from where the last game left off, this time The TimeGate will take the player to amazing new world in distant universes. Unlike the first Game The Gate II will feature many more enemies to fight! Some Alien some Human and a few more besides.. We have a full inventory of Professional voice actors on our team so The Gate II will of course feature a full movie style script. The Gate II like its predecessor will also be released with a full classical musical score.