A spin-off of the Bubble Tanks series, more focused on one-on-one or all-out battles where progression and bubbles are gained by winning preset battles or user-made ones made with the arena editor and enemy editor.
PEN GUNS is a first-person coloring book. Choose from 4 available paintings and do your best to fill them with proper colors before the time limit is up!
In Quest for Saddam, your mission is to find and capture Saddam Hussein. As a highly trained, special forces soldier, you're armed with an arsenal of weapons and a coalition of comical characters. Battles take you across Iraq, fighting hordes of Iraqi soldiers in your ultimate quest, Saddam Hussein.
Dimensional Slaughter is a very bloody fast-paced movement shooter with Rogue-Like Mechanics and a Retro Style. Explore Strange Dimensions, Move to collect Ammo, and Kill to Heal.
Two years after the events of Those Nights at Rachel's, errors begin to manifest within the fabric of the system, causing sensory and auditory hallucinations for its most dedicated following. On a rush to prevent backlash from the general public, the administrators of the 'TNaR' project push forward to develop a backup operation to their virtual-survival experience, designed with a new stable structure to permanently maintain hegemony whilist appealing to a new wider demographic.
Your job? Make sure everything works according to plan for the release of the new project. Welcome to the New Doug and Rachel's faithful beta tester! We hope you enjoy your stay; because this is the last one you're ever going to get.
Time Tripper is a WAD developed by Emma Essex. The game features a custom protagonist, Doomelph, who must defeat many of DOOM's monsters alongside new ones and traverse spacetime.
Space Invaders EX (simply titled Space Invaders in North America) is a Space Invaders title released in 2002 by Activision for the Game Boy Advance.
The game features two main gameplay modes. The 1 Player mode is the main gameplay mode, which is an update on the classic Space Invaders formula. The game features four different types of enemies, each with a different color. By defeating four enemies of the same color in a row, you get a single use special weapon. Red enemies drop the straight rocket, which goes through enemies vertically. Blue and green enemies drop the right and left rockets respectivelly, which make a 90° turn when they hit an enemy, going through the remaining enemies horizontally. Finally, yellow enemies drop the diagonal rocket, which divides itself in two when it hits an enemy then goes through them diagionally. This weapons system would later be expanded upon in Space Invaders Extreme.
Classic Mode is a recreation of the original game, though adapted to fit the smaller screen. Additionally,