Gates of Skeldal is a dungeon crawler with a rather unique graphical style and originally only released for the Czech market.
The game has never been officially released in English but has been translated by fans as a result of crowd-funding. Now it is available on both Android and iOS.
The game was originally released with map editor enabling players to create their own dungeons and maps.
Small Soldiers: Globotech Design Lab is a 1998 PC strategy/action game based on the film Small Soldiers. In it, you can either design and build your own squad of soldiers or choose from pre-built characters. The two teams are the Gorgonites or Commando Elite. You choose specific parts you want your soldiers to have, such as arms and legs. You can also choose what kind of computer chip controls the soldier, what kind of voice they have and what weapons he will carry. After you create your soldiers, you then battle the opposite team. It was published by Hasbro Interactive.
Liero is a simple game. Pick your five weapons, and unleash your inner fury. The game is always played one versus one on a map of your choice, and yes, you have to play with someone who is right next to you.
To shoot is of course easy enough to figure out, but if you want to step up your game, you need to figure out things like how to swing yourself to safety with the ninja rope, to use timed weapons for area denial, to hunt without being hunted, to ambush, hit and run, and control that darn guided missile.
An overwhelming military operation is in progress to cover up the landing of an alien spacecraft. Frustrating the military personnel involved, some aliens escape towards the city, where they are spotted by several eyewitnesses. You are one of those witnesses - the first who actually makes contact - and who is assigned a very special mission...
You play as Cyrus, a Redguard in search for his sister, and a mercenary pirate. After receiving a letter from your old friend and Nord captain Tobias about your sister's disappearance, you sail to Stros M'kai, your sister's home, and site of the final clash between the Redguard Crowns and the Empire. The game begins when you arrive at the port.
Crazy Cows is a turn-based strategy game. It consists of one big battleground where two teams - the Grey Cows and the Brown Cows - fight each other. Each team has a number of cows that must battle each other for victory until the last cow wins.
This game was made to promote the western-Canadian family restaurant chain "Humpty's" and their Kids' Club.
In this 1998 DOS platformer, Humpty must rescue his little buddy Hammlet from an evil wizard by traversing various areas including a forest, a marine cave, a mountain, and a maze-like castle.
The game was sold and distributed for free at certain locations. Despite having a rather limited release, it impressively touted pre-rendered 3D visuals and a first-person 3d maze in its final area.
Fisher-Price Big Action Garage is a 1998 activity-based adventure game. It is Funnybone's take on the Putt-Putt series from Humongous Entertainment.
In the game, the player joins Tommy Treads as he visits different places in Autoland to find the parts to repair K.C. Coupe who's broken down and in need of repairs.
Theatre of Pain is a Mortal Kombat-esque fighting game featuring characters and settings drawn from Roman history and mythology.
It features high-resolution SVGA rendered sprites and backgrounds, as did Mirage's previous fighting game, Rise Of The Robots.
It uses a six-button layout, with weak, medium, and strong punches/slashes and kicks. There are both single and two-player modes.