Super Metroid: Arrival is a Super Metroid ROM hack about Samus's last stand against the Federal Government and the planet SR-319. This is where the Metroids once inhabited, until they became "extinct". Though, as Samus dives deep into the planet to seek safety, she finds that not all is as it seems.
This ROM hack of Super Metroid is a complete make over of planet Zebes level-design wise, very few rooms actually look like they used to be. The planet is a little bigger now, it still relies on the original region structure but laid out differently. The gameplay is unchanged. There are numerous small ASM changes, mainly on PLM and enemies so as to keep the player interested in exploring. Item progression and item count has been slightly altered. Sequence breaking is also possible to some extent.
The Legend of Zelda: Secrets of the Past is an hack made by superskuj. It’s a small/medium sized new quest, featuring all new dungeons, story and a new over-world with a relatively low difficulty, though there are multiple puzzles that will challenge your mind.
Super Metroid Polarity is an exploration romhack where black & white will be the main colors you will see ! Explore a contaminated planet where it draws its energy from gravity.
Collect a brand new weapon to control the polarity of gravity but beware, Samus can also be contaminated by the atmosphere and enemies and lose these HP as it is infected.
"Super Metroid: Lost World" has a new planet, new enemies, huge areas… A must know wall jump and a mid-air morph. It's a game for all players with a mid level difficulty.
Suspicious Space Pirate activity has been detected by the Galactic Federation in the remote Tog'Tassano system and Samus is sent to check it out. Discover the truth of what's going on and power yourself up in this frigid, hostile environment.
Super Metroid: Cryogenesis is a romhack created for a streaming contest. This is the contest version with cleanup fixes from what was seen when it was streamed. More is planned and being worked on to expand, however that doesn't mean this should feel half complete. A compact adventure awaits you with a focus on clean, thematic visuals and unique level design.
The Space Pirates have leaked a deadly virus on the minor planet Dysnomia, Samus must recover 5 artifacts and put an end to their reckless schemes. Her suit has been outfitted to withstand and protect her from the virus that has begun to mutate organisms on the planet as well as the space pirates themselves. Watch out Samus, the pirates have been experimenting with antigravity technology. Be careful!
This hack was created for the Oats n Goats contest.
Super Metroid Nature is a full-sized hack of the popular game Super Metroid. The design of the world, palettes, enemies and atmosphere is entirely different to the original story of Zebes.
The difficulty will resemble that of the original, but a tad harder in sections.
Nature, while resembling parts of the original, is a whole different experience, with new items, rooms, and ways to play.
Three years after the explosion of Zebes, Samus came back on Earth to investigate on strange events disturbing the Darkholme Hospital, a military medical complex built 50 years ago.
The long-awaited sequel to An SMW Central Production, finally here after over a decade! An evil company known as Norveg Industries is expanding its business worldwide, including the Mushroom Kingdom. Can Mario put a stop to its business before nature as they know it dies out?
This randomizer mixes Super Metroid and A Link to the Past together into one experience and will randomize both games items to any location in either game creating a new kind of multi-game challenge. The goal is to kill both Ganon and Mother Brain and then finish either game.
Travel between the two game can be done by using certain doors and entrances in either game.
A complete overhaul of SMW, set in an original universe!
Two main playable characters, Sicari and K-16, each with their own playstyle.
Seven unique bosses.
Tons of unique level themes, complete with entirely original graphics.
Six main worlds, a secret world, and a special world!
46 exits!
A Complete My Little Pony conversion of EarthBound, including a new script, music, graphics, and events. With the Spirit of Nightmare Moon returning to Equestria, Dinky, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo must team up to gather the Elements of Harmony and defeat her.
Each world represents a different season — there's a Spring world, a Summer world, a Fall world, and a Winter world. (And some more!) Almost all the graphics are custom and hand-made.
A Plumber For All Seasons features:
-37 levels with 41 exits
-almost entirely custom graphics, all of them hand-made
-a focus on interesting, season-themed scenery and fun levels
-an original soundtrack by some of SMWC's finest musicians
-rewards and easter eggs for completionists
Welcome to the Fungus Islands! Bowser has given up trying to kidnap Princess Peach (for now), and his son, Bowser Jr, has set his sights on the Fungus Islands. Mario and Luigi, being on vacation there, naturally, have to stop Bowser Jr's plans. Can the brothers stop the Colonization of the Islands?
We challenged ourselves to reconstruct all the levels, maps, and songs in Super Mario World (1994) based purely on what we could remember. The result is thoroughly unsettling. Please enjoy this testament to the fallibility of human memory.