Street Fighter Alpha 2 is both a sequel and a remake to the previous year's Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams. The game features a number of improvements over the original, such as new attacks, stages, endings, and gameplay features. New characters in this version include Gen, Rolento and Sakura. Dhalsim and Zangief also return to the fight with some new moves.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future is the updated version of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure game released in 1998 on arcade by Capcom. It became the sixth and last game released for the CPS-3 board.
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade is an arcade game first released in 1998. The game is a 3-D rail shooter based on the original trilogy of Star Wars films and was released along with the special editions of these films. Sega also released an accompanying pinball game. The game is not to be confused with Star Wars Arcade, another Star Wars game released to arcades by Sega in 1993.
Aliens is an arcade game based loosely on the 1986 movie Aliens. You and a friend play female Marines and you must explore and destroy all aliens who have taken over a now abandoned space settlement LV426 Acheron. If you can find any survivors try to rescue them. As well as your normal gun there are other weapons that can be used to help you. A Caterpillar P-5000 can also be found and used.
Aliens is mainly a side view horizontal shooter where the screen scrolls as you move from left to right. Some parts of the game require you to look behind the hero firing into the screen as aliens come towards from the distance as well as moving in other directions like in a lift. You can also be driving into the screen trying to shoot aliens.
The hero of the game is a young jungle-man named Toki. One day the evil wizard Dr. Stark kidnaps his girlfriend Wanda. When Toki tries to save her, he is turned into a monkey! Now Toki has to find Dr. Stark in his palace, rescue Wanda, and become a human being again!
Sunset Riders is a side-scrolling run and gun video game developed and released by Konami in 1991. It is set in the American Old West, where the players take control of bounty hunters who are seeking the rewards offered for various criminals. Each bad guy has a big reward on his head, and they're helped by hordes of bandits, gunslingers, and horse thieves, so pack loads of lead.
The Fantasy Zone is a solar system consisting of eight brightly colored, fantastic planets. The evil Menons are trying to take over all of the planets in the Fantasy Zone by using misappropriated foreign currency to build their forces. It is the player's job to recover all of the coins and save the solar system!
Fantasy Zone is an arcade style shooter for one or two players. The goal is to destroy all of the creatures on each planet and collect as many of the lost coins as possible. At the end of each level is a large enemy that will have to be defeated before moving on to the next world. At various points in the game, the player will be able to find a parts shop, which allows purchasing improvements for his spaceship, including better weapons and faster engines.
In the game, each player controls one of the two Bubble Dragons, Bub and Bob. The player can move along platforms, as well as jump to those above and to the side, similar to most platform games.
The player can also blow bubbles. These can trap enemies, who are defeated if the bubble is then burst by the player's spiny back. Bubbles that contain enemies can be popped at the same time resulting in different foods being projected around the level. Each enemy trapped in a bubble equates to a different food. Food is consumed and transferred to points (an increasing scale of 1000 points is awarded for each enemy burst in tandem with another meaning: one enemy burst equals one food item worth 1000 points, two enemies burst equals two food items worth 1000 and 2000 points, three enemies burst equals three food items worth 1000, 2000 and 4000 points, and so on), which results in earning lives. These same bubbles also float for a time before bursting, and can be jumped on, allowing access to otherwise inaccessible areas. Pl
Tower of Doom is a side-scrolling arcade game featuring four different characters (cleric, dwarf, elf, fighter) fighting iconic Dungeons & Dragons monsters. Bosses include a troll that regenerates unless burned, a large black dragon, the dreaded Shadow Elf (Mystara's equivalent of the drow), a beholder, the optional superboss Flamewing (a great wyrm red dragon) and the final boss Deimos (an archlich).
At points in the game the players are presented with a choice of paths to take to continue progress. Each path goes to a different area, and it is impossible to visit every area in a single play.
The gameplay is more technical than the average on beat'em up games. In addition to the usual basic attacks and jumping it includes blocking, strong attacks, turning attacks, dashing attacks, crouching and evading. It also requires the use of careful tactics, as most enemies have the same abilities as the heroes and can out-range them, too.
Daggers, hammers, arrows and burning oils can be used as throwing weapons, an
Pac-Man is a 1980 maze action video game developed and released by Namco for arcades. It is considered one of the classics of the medium, virtually synonymous with video games, and an icon of 1980s popular culture. Players control Pac-Man, who must eat all the dots inside an enclosed maze while avoiding four colored ghosts. Eating large flashing dots called Power Pellets causes the ghosts to temporarily turn blue, allowing Pac-Man to eat them for bonus points.
The original arcade version of "Double Dragon II" is essentially an improved version of the first game. The biggest change in the game's controls are in the replacement of the original's punch and kick buttons with two directional-based attack buttons (Left Attack and Right Attack) similar to Renegade. Pressing the attack button of the player's current direction will do a standard series of punches, while pressing the opposite attack button will perform a back kick. A few new moves are added as well, including a Hurricane Kick.
Like in the original game, the arcade version of Double Dragon II is divided into four missions: a heliport, a lumber storehouse, a wheat field, and the new hideout of the boss. Each stage has its own boss character with his own theme. After defeating Willy (the final boss from the original game) in the fourth stage, the player will confront a double of their own character for the game's final battle. If two players reach the end together, then both will each to have to face their own clone
Track & Field is an Olympic-themed arcade game. The simple gameplay, based on quick repeating button presses, set the basics for sequels and similar games in the genre for the next decades.
Gauntlet Legends is an arcade game released in 1998 by Atari Games. It is a fantasy themed hack and slash styled dungeon crawl game, a sequel to 1985's popular Gauntlet and 1986's Gauntlet II and marks the final game in the series to be produced by Atari Games. Its unusual features for an arcade game included passwords and characters that could be saved, enabling players to play over the course of a long period.
Atomic Punk (alternatively known as Dynablaster or Bomberman) is an arcade game featuring a single and multiplayer mode. In the year 2091, robot contests have gained popularity. Only the strongest robot can survive.
Rampage is a game where players control giant monsters/mutated humans. Players must smash buildings while destroying vehicles such as tanks, planes, and trains to advance to the next level. Smashing windows will sometimes reveals items of interest that the player may use.
Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder is a side-scrolling arcade hack 'n' slash game released in 1992 by Sega. It was the first 32-bit game in the series. It still remains an arcade exclusive as of 2010.
The player characters are Goah the giant, Stern the barbarian, Dora the Kentauride, and Little Trix, a young elf lad who carries a pitchfork. None of the characters from the first game are playable, although Gilius Thunderhead from the first game rides on Goah's back. The main enemy is once again Death Adder.
The gameplay of Snow Bros is similar to Bubble Bobble, released in 1986. The game supports up to two players, with each player taking the part of one of two snowmen Nick and Tom. Each player can throw snow at the enemies. The player must throw snow at each enemy until it is completely covered, when it turns into a snowball. An enemy partially covered in snow cannot move until it shakes it off.
Once an enemy has been turned into a snowball, the player can roll it. The snowball will re-bound off walls, until eventually shattering against a wall. Any enemies the snowball rolls into are eliminated and other stationary snowballs start rolling when the rolling snowball touches them. If the player manages to take out all of the enemies with kicking one snowball (this one snowball may be used to make others bounce around as well and increase the chances to pull this trick off), money in the form of large green bills will fall from the sky. These disappear in a very short amount of time but are worth 10,000 points each, th
Donkey Kong Junior is the direct sequel to Donkey Kong. In this game, Mario plays the antagonist, finally having captured Donkey Kong, and has put the ape in a locked cage. As Donkey Kong Jr., players will have to make their way through four different levels (Vines, Springboard, Chains and Mario's Hideout) in an attempt to find keys to free the little monkey's father.
The game has 16 levels, though many are quite short. Much like Capcom's Knights of the Round, King of Dragons features an role-playing video game-like level advancement system. Points scored for killing monsters and picking up gold count towards experience, and the character gains levels at regular intervals. With each level, the character's health bar increases, other attributes such as range improve, and the character also becomes invulnerable for a few seconds. Along the way, different weapon and armor upgrades for each character may also be picked up.
King of Dragons features a simple control system that consists of a single attack button, and a jump button. By pressing both buttons, the character unleashes a magical attack that strikes all enemies in screen (its strength varies according to the character used) at the expense of losing energy. The fighter, cleric and dwarf can also use their shield to block certain attacks by tilting the joystick back right before the impact.
This is one of the many Capcom ga