Players drive a car around a maze collecting greenbacks while being pursued by a number of police cars. Use dollar symbols to make your car invincible and put police cars temporarily out of action. The game uses a continuous loop tape with actual police band radio banter.
After having reclaimed the High One's lost orb and having become the Lord Lapour in "Odyssey: The Compleat Apventure" you have to face a new meance.
The technically more advanced race of the Atlanteans wants to subdue all of the other races on Earth and it is your task to prevent them from conquering the world.
A horizontal scrolling shoot'em up similar to the arcade game Defender. Written by Nasir Gebelli and published by Sirius Software for the Apple II computers.
Upon startup Bolo requests a level number (1–9) and density (1–5); the game then generates a random rectangular maze containing six enemy bases. The higher the density specified, the more walls appear in the maze. The player controls a tank, and must destroy the six enemy bases to advance to the next level. The player can view 1/132 of the maze at one time; indicators on the right side of the screen show the player's position within the maze, the direction of the enemy bases and the fuel remaining.
Enemy tanks constantly emerge from each of the six enemy bases. Different levels feature different types of enemy tanks; some move randomly while others pursue the player. All enemy tanks fire deadly shells. If the player collides with a bullet, an enemy base or tank, or a wall, a turn is lost. A turn is also lost if the player runs out of fuel; destroying an enemy base will replenish the player's fuel supply. The player is provided with four tanks per game, and no opportunity is provided to earn more.
A vertically scrolling action game written by Nasir Gebelli and published by Sirius Software for the Apple II computers. The player controls the horizontal movement of a plane and has to bomb various targets beneath him.