An unknown prankster hid the lunchboxes of every student in school. Adam and Jake volunteer to find them all. However, Bull Sharkowski plans on getting in their way.
Operation: R.A.I.L. (Rapid And Infinite Labyrinth) is a KND game on Cartoon Network website. It revolves around Numbuh 2, saving his friends from the DCFDTL that tied them on a dangerous roller coaster.
Operation: S.T.A.T. is the ninth game on Cartoon Network website about Kids Next Door. It shows what would happen if adults were taking over Cartoon Network and the KND were calling help from heroes from other Cartoon Network shows.
Being a secret operative for the Kids Next Door isn`t easy: it takes constant practice to keep your spy skills sharp. that`s why Numbuh 1 is putting the KND through today's training mission. The objective is to find the best escape route through the Treehouse in as few steps as possible.
The cats are trying to make a living in the back alley and they just spotted some dirty money laundering operation and they want a cut for it being on their property. jump alternately and collect the notes and become rich. use the arrow keys to move and the space bar to collect notes.
Hermitcraft Trading Card Game, created by Vintage Beef and first featured on a Minecraft Server known as Hermitcraft, is a traditional TCG. Its cards revolve around the members of Hermitcraft, theming moves and characteristics around the personalities of its cast. It has since been turned into an open source community driven game that can be played in a web browser!
Go spelunking, discover new shapes, and return to the surface transformed!
Speleomorph is a nonlinear puzzle game made for Metroidvania Month 16, inspired by the Shapeshifting theme.
The members of the Hidden Gems Of Poetry Group are close. Even the move from internet forum to web server can't break their bond. But heartbreaking news could mean the end of things as they know it.
A short game made for SeedComp 2023. The writing is by Naomi Norbez, and the game was programmed by Josh Grams.
Please note that Hidden Gems, Hidden Secrets contains discussion of sexual harassment/coercion, and people in positions of power taking advantage of their place.
In honor of the Hardy Boys starting to enter the Public Domain, I created an escape game that adapts, more or less, the first book, The Tower Treasure.