International version of Rapid Hero was discovered called Arcadia. Rapid Hero is a very classic and relatively efficient shmup . At the command of a hunter who also thinks somewhat of the design of Strike Gunner STG , you will have to repel the enemy bursts avoiding of course to make you touch ... Two heroes are willing to carry out this mission, with a few minor differences in gameplay: the first aircraft is specialized in concentrated direct fire, the second in the deployed shot. Of course, the game offers you its selection of power-ups and special weapons, such as auxiliary and self-guided lasers. The course of the game is rather neat with a certain sense of staging. The big enemies arrive from afar and see their shadow emerge under a heap of clouds before presenting themselves to you is still very pleasant, as are the enemies coming out of destroyed buildings. Stage 3 is an infiltration into an enemy armada: you will see the long enemy ship scrolling from the beginning of the level, before finding it later in t
For this sequel to the sideways scrolling 1991 beat-em-up, "Caveman Ninja", Data East chose to eschew the former's gameplay and create a single-screen platformer with gameplay hugely similar to Toaplan's, "Snow Bros.", released in 1990.
Super Toffy is an improved version of Toffy, which in turn is a bootleg of the game Dangerous Dungeons with updated sprites. Super Toffy revamps many levels, getting rid of the recycled levels found in Dangerous Dungeons that are the same as other levels with minor changes or just upping the treasure requirement. Super Toffy adds an item that freezes the enemies in place temporarily - though even when they're frozen, you still can't stand next to the goombas (which replace spiders in DD) or the green faces (which replace octopi in DD). Super Toffy also adds artwork between stages - one of them adult-themed (there are robo-nipples on display) but mostly just generic anime art. Finally, unlike DD, there are a couple of score-based extends; you can get up to 5 lives.
Wing War is an arcade combat flight simulator game developed by Sega AM1 and manufactured by Sega. Released exclusively to Japanese and American arcades in 1994, the game puts players in the cockpit of a variety of both historic and modern aircraft and pits them in an aerial dogfight with a second rival aircraft.
An improved game compared to the original. This update features more realistic characters plus three levels of difficulty: easy, hard, and extra hard. The game also has five fighting levels.
This is a unique gun game that allows you to choose the area you would like to enter as well as the level, ranging from easy to difficult. You can enter shooting galleries or various scenic screens. You must shoot enemies and beasts without killing hostages or the cute animals.
Baseball arcade game that had been released by Namco in June 1994; it runs on the company's NB-1 hardware, and as the name suggests, it is the sequel to Great Sluggers (which was released exclusively in Japan the year before). However, instead of the twelve teams of Japan's Central and Pacific Leagues, the players must take control of two of the twenty-eight teams of the American League and National League - and there are two teams for both Chicago and New York.
You play a mouse who must avoid rats and bombs while collecting cheese in a maze. You are able to open and close doors to help you elude your enemies. The game uses an overhead perspective with very big sprites and a multi-directional scrolling playfield.
San Drad, California, has been overrun by the Aliens, and the cybernetically-enhanced Major Dutch Schaefer and Lieutenant Linn Kurosawa have been abandoned by their superiors and are cornered by a swarm of the Alien drones. Before they can be killed, a pair of the Predators appear and destroy the Aliens. The Predators offer an alliance with the two humans in order to stop the Alien infestation.
The players take control of up to three of four characters: Dutch, Linn, a Predator hunter, and a Predator warrior, and battle the Aliens through several environments. In the process, the characters discover that the Alien presence on Earth is the result of an experiment headed by a renegade General Bush of the U.S. Colonial Marines in conjunction with the Weyland-Yutani corporation. They destroy the Alien hive by crashing a military ship into San Drad, causing a huge explosion. The Predator warrior then gives his wrist blades to Dutch and Linn in recognition of their skills as warriors, before the Predators depart back int