All you have to do is to rearrange the lettered blocks into the yellow area! Each level has only one answer, and the given blocks are not in correct order. So you have to find the English word first, and then try to get the letters in the right place by overcoming the obstacles!
A simple Twine conversion of an evocative scene. The text I used is a modern translation, by one Brian Stone, of a poem dating from about 1400. There's plenty more information available under 'about the authors' for those curious!
Prepare to embark on a perception-stretching, linearity-quashing adventure of amorphous proportions. Every level contains a pristine red door, only usable for exiting purposes after one or more red keys have been collected. Sounds straightforward enough, but it's funny just how much this game will twist your perceptions of both straight AND forward. All levels are composed of a number of squares, shiftable in a manner akin to a sliding tile puzzle. Each square contains a finite fraction of the overall level itself, and the key to victory lies in prudent transfigurations of the landscape.
Help Knight conquer an ancient evil in this epic puzzle RPG, set in a world of monsters, treasure and adventure!
You must guide Knight around the board through a combination of destroying block groups and rotating the entire play area, grabbing the key for the exit as you go. Rotate the board by clicking the arrows on either side of it, or by using the left and right arrow keys. To clear a group of blocks, just click the group to highlight them then click again to destroy them.
It is very, very much NSFW. It contains an incredible amount of violence, descriptions of suffering, and some very special dickmurder scenes if you know what you’re doing!
Enjoy, and remember – try to hurt the wizard every time you see him!
This is pretty different. I heard about the tragic suicide of Aaron Swartz last spring and made this game in ten hours. It loops around a lot; there’s some debate over what the ending of the game is, I guess, but my point is that there’s not an ending.
When I was twelve, I tried to kill myself. I’ve dealt with depression my whole life, but that was the last time I succumbed to suicidal ideation. It’s been nineteen years. This game discusses a lot of things pretty frankly— completed suicide attempts of friends, being rushed to the ER, using Christianity to prop up my self-discipline for a while, my fears for my children.
You can argue whether or not this is a GAME, I guess, but it’s definitely me.
This game is an allegorical confessional about disability - "zombie" being a metaphor for physical atrophy, and "ninja" referring to beloved hobbies and sports that you can no longer participate in, and able-bodied friends that you can no longer be in the company of.
Team Cherry presents to you Hungry Knight, a determined little adventurer with a big appetite. Fight your way through a strange wasteland, keep yourself fed every ten seconds, and accomplish a miracle. Others may perish at your hand, but such is the remorselessness of this world.
Here is the 0.1 edition of my twine for Naked Twine Jam!!!!! Enjoy and share trash with friends!
Preorder now for the low cost of $0 dollars and you will be locked into receiving all the fresh One Man’s Shit: An Interactive Trash Adventure content. The final version will include:
1. Over 30 explorable dumpsters!
2. At least three routes to find trash!
3. One to eighty hours of gameplay!
4. The feeling of young adulthood!
5. And more!
Don’t miss out, play today!