Jang Pung II is an unlicensed fighting game released in South Korea for the Sega Master System and Sega Game Gear. It is effectively a port of Capcom's Street Fighter II (so much so that is sometimes labeled as Street Fighter or Street Fighter II, particularly when sold outside of South Korea), but with different background graphics and occasionally altered character names. It has also been spotted under the name Street Blaster.
Battle Master: Kyuukyoku no Senshi-tachi ("Battle Master: Ultimate Warrior") is a sci-fi themed one-on-one fighter game exclusively for the Super Famicom. It was developed by System Vision, which previously worked on the SNES fighter Deadly Moves.
The player can select between seven characters and play through a single-player mode with each, meeting different opponents and fighting a boss character at the end. There's also a Versus mode that allows two human players to compete with fighters of their choice.
Sticks and stones might make him groan, but clay really ticks him off! Bad Mister Frosty is the name, and action is the game. Fists and feet will fly (and other parts) as Frosty and his friends smack it out in head-to-head fighting action.
ClayFighter is a fighting game released for the Super NES in November 1993 and later ported to Sega Genesis in June 1994. The game is a parody of Street Fighter. In 2009, the Genesis version was re-released on the Wii Virtual Console.
Waka Taka Ozumo: Brothers Dream Match is a sumo video game developed by Tomcat System and published by Imagineer for the Super Famicom, which was released exclusively in Japan in 1993.
Five fighters have come together to fight in three different locations, Egypt, Japan and America. Only one can be Fist Fighter champion. Fist Fighter is a one to two-player fighting game on a single screen which does scroll left and right a short distance. Various options are available like location of fight, difficulty and number of players.
Em uma cidade em ruinas dominada pelas gangues, uma garota chamada Sheena (amiga dos três protagonistas) é sequestrada após fazer compras por um cara chamado Red Freddy, para levá-la a seu chefe, Lord Geld, um ser maléfico que aumenta seus poderes deflorando belas jovens virgens. Três rapazes (Wade, Kyle e Boris) saem numa perseguição atrás de sua amiga em seu carro vermelho enfrentando perigosos adversários através de 7 áreas repletas de perigos. Wade tem o estilo de luta baseado em Cody, enquanto que os agarrões de Boris lembram os de Haggar e Kyle tem seus ataques baseados nos golpes de Guy.
The birthplace of the powerful physical martial arts called "Survival Arts" and how they were earned became mysterious for quite some time. However, eight warriors spreading over different countries have learned some of the most important skills of the Survival Arts, while they continue learning more about them. Each one qualified for the Survival Arts tournament to see which survivor will win and obtain all the secrets of the Arts.
Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition is an expanded version of Street Fighter II: Champion Edition with new features from Street Fighter II Turbo, released originally for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive line of consoles. There are eight fighters to choose from, each with a unique fighting style and special attacks.
The GRANDMOTHER of all battles! 15 of the FATAL FURY series' top stars gather in the match of the millenium! Use the resurrected Geese Howard and Wolfgang Krauser in a dazzling arena! All you have ever wanted in a fighting game is here in FATAL FURY SPECIAL!
Mortal Kombat is a side-scrolling fighting game. Fighting is set as one-on-one combat, allowing each player to perform a variety of punches, kicks, and special moves in order to defeat their opponent. When the opponent faces their second round loss, the winner can perform a finishing move called a "Fatality" on the loser. The Fatality is a move unique to each fighter that graphically kills the loser in a blood-soaked finale.
The Genesis port of Mortal Kombat had an edge over the SNES version because it didn't have as much as censoring. For it to have a lower age rating, though, the blood is missing by default from the game, but available through the input of a cheat code. This version was given an MA-13 rating by the Videogame Rating Council.
The SNES version of Mortal Kombat was censored due to Nintendo's policies on violence, removing a lot of what the game was known for in the Arcades and other ports (such as the Genesis version).
The Genesis version uses the standard three-button controller, with only two buttons for attacking (punch and kick). To perform stronger punches or kicks, the player must hold the directional pad towards the opponent while pressing either attack buttons. The third button is used for taunting. Some of the stages in the game feature destroyable scenery that gives the player and their opponent access to new areas in the stage. As well as their special moves, each character has a 'killer' attack which is only accessible when they are close to death and the red part of the characters' life gauge at the top starts flashing. This is done by pressing the Taunt button in conjunction with a specific D-Pad motion. These moves nearly take out the other character's life gauge completely.
The game has eight playable characters, which includes the four Turtles and Casey Jones, as well as April O'Neil (whose active role differs from the versions of the character featured in other games), Ray Fillet (a character from the Teenage M