This is a mapset with the following traits/gimmicks/whatever; All map titles are one word and end on the letter T, except for MAP32. The maps are primarily coated in blue, using textures from 32in24-15tex & OTEX. Some maps might have a semi-speedmap feel to them, with sparse detailing. Some maps are easy, some are hard; but all except two of them can be knocked out in less than 15-20 minutes.
This is the first map I've ever released, it's a straight-forward blowthrough, not too difficult and it offers around 15 to 20 minutes of gameplay...maybe less for skilled players.
Jägermörder 2: Terra Nova is a single-level PWAD created by Derek MacDonald (Afterglow). It uses an unnamed music track by Jeremy Doyle from Requiem MAP15 and is the sequel to Jägermörder 1: Chemical Lab.
Created for Doom 2, any limit removing port will do. No additional resources required, as this map (Map 20) intends to make the most of Doom 2's stock resources to create its aesthetic.
A gothic cell with positive gameplay. You can fire the rocket launcher at stuff and pick your own route through the level.
Completionists can visit an optional extra fight which is a little tougher than the rest of the map.
Built with Eternity 4.2 in mind; If you use Eternity you get MOD music and extra text if you leave via the secret exit. but the map itself is perfectly Boom compatible.
Break into a secret, mysterious Zenimax storage facility and retrieve American McGee's and John Carmack's memories of the Quake soundtrack! They might be corporate property, but Doomguy finds a way...
Amstrad CPC port of Gradius.
You are the last hope of the gentle people of Gradius. You've just lifted off to confront the all-out attack of the amoeboid Bacterions. Your hyper-space fighter is armed with the greatest arsenal in the galaxy. Air-to-surface and double beam laser cannons for incredible firepower. Powerful force fields for protection. Time and space warps for fleeing the dimension. You'll need it all just to survive. Because at the heart of the Bacterion Empire lies the Xaerous Superfortress - the nerve center of the all-knowing, all-seeing Bacterion Bio-Computer. It's a duel to the death, while the entire galaxy watches, waits, and hopes!
Space Interceptor is an Asteroids tpye of game where you have to avoid not only asteroids but also aliens.
'Space Interceptor: Deluxe Edition' is the name for the registered version, which unlocks more levels and enemies.
You were but broken bones and brawny blood. Yet your tomb stirs, and here you stand!
This was a map created for the Vinesauce Mapping Contest 2016. It has a standalone release now. It's mostly unchanged from the one submitted to the contest, the only difference is it has a titlepic this time around.
A 32 map wad made during the month of october for NaNoWADMo 2019, using only textures and monsters from doom2. Every map has at least 2 of each key that appears on it, same for weapons, also each map has 2 exits.
Soundless Mound is a single-level PK7 for Doom II using the GZDoom source port. It was designed by Marisa Lago in 2018 and is inspired by the Silent Hill series of survival horror games. In the Doom Mapping Contest II: Hellectric Boogaloo, it was awarded first place, and it received further updates via the author's GitHub repository.