Several levels await your super-tough Commando in this arcade conversion. Armed with only a standard rifle and a few grenades you must take on hordes of enemies. Some are wandering around in the open, while others have picked out hiding places, which you must approach from certain angles. Trees, rivers and bridges create a varied combat-like terrain and must be incorporated into your thinking. Extra grenades can be collected, and will definitely be required, as they allow you to kill from distance and thus avoid some enemy shots.
Yo Joe! COBRA is up to its slimy tricks once again. They are planning world domination through mass terrorism. The team forces must unite to advance and stop the menace of COBRA in G.I. Joe. the new video game adventure from Konami!
Team G.I. Joe members Duke, Road Block, Snake-Eyes, and Scarlett have their work cut out for them. They have been individually trained in specialized military areas. Snake-Eyes is a mystical martial arts master, most dangerous when he is unarmed and cornered. Road Block is a heavy machine gunner who is also adept at hand-no-hand combat. Scarlett, whose strength is military intelligence, is no wimp when it comes to kicking butt. Duke, trained in close range fighting, is looked upon as the guidance counselor. big brother. and offensive coach to the G.I. Joe unit. Together they get tough on the ruthless Cobra Commander and his sleazy Cobra Vipers and Toxo-Vipers.
After attacking big cities, COBRA begins to spread mass destruction and chaos. G.I. Joe must destroy the chemical plant to rid
Scooter Shooter is a horizontal-scrolling shooter arcade game developed by Konami in 1985 with competitive play against either a computer opponent or another player.
With a spaceship, the player shoots several kind of robotic enemies and spaceships. At the end of every stage (except for the first one), the player meets a huge enemy spaceship as the stage's boss. Player's spaceship is equipped with a limited force shield which allows it to resist any kind of attack, though energy drains both while its active and whenever the ship gets hit during. Power-ups are dropped by ally helicopters and spaceships, that bring to the player a new shot (much faster than the normal one) and refills his force field's meter.
Gather all the fruit, in a specific order, and then the key which will allow you to unlock the door to the next level. Movement of foes is very predictable as they move in a circular fashion, allowing you to easily move around them.
You are the pilot of a helicopter and your mission is to explore five levels to find parts to help build a supply base on each level. Trying to stop you are various vehicles that will bomb and shoot at you, but you have a gun to fight back with. Touch an enemy, get shot or bombed, or land too quickly on the ground and you lose one of five lives. Lose them all and it's game over.