This is a game that Sega used in-house to test the hardware it was developing during the late 1980s through the early 1990s. It is a simple game that lacks sound and the familiar player prompts (e.g. "insert coin"). It was never fully developed nor intended to be released to the public.
Drakton was produced by Epos Corporation/Magic Conversions Inc. in 1984.
Epos Corporation/Magic Conversions Inc. released 2 different machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1984.
Other machines made by Epos Corporation/Magic Conversions Inc. during the time period Drakton was produced include IGMO.
An outer space battle game where the players conrtols the Drakton Fighter which must destroy enemies with plasma torpedoes throughout various sectors.
Dump Matsumoto and Bull Nakano take on The "Fresh Gals" (Crush Gals and Jumping Bomb Angels) in this 1986 arcade game based on All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling. The original Japanese title for the game is ‘Dump Matsumoto)
The player controls a Norwegian sailor by the name of Momotaro, who must use barrels to defeat the titular pirate crew. Momotaro has no attacks of his own. However, he has the ability to grab barrels, drums, large bags, and various other items which he can throw (either horizontally or vertically) across the screen. Any pirate who stands in the way of a barrel or other object will be hurled off the screen. Barrels that impact the walls of a stage or other barrels or objects will shatter and produce points, while other objects are invulnerable (but do not produce points). Each successive enemy that is hit by a barrel will yield additional points once the barrel is destroyed. In addition, there are also various items hidden beneath barrels in each level which will give Momotaro bonus points. Every floor of the ship has a set number of pirates to be destroyed, as well as a single "Bow", a special pirate that regenerates each time it is defeated. Every fourth level in the game yields a bonus level in which the barrels
The player must take control of Pistol Daimyo, a small Japanese lord, who has a pistol strapped to his head and two fans strapped to his feet; he faces the right side of the screen and is always moving forward with the backgrounds scrolling to the left, bringing enemies into view (which are reminiscent of Monty Python's Flying Circus).
Similar to Kissy, Takky, and Hommy from Baraduke and Bakutotsu Kijuutei, he will float down to the ground if you stop holding the joystick up while he is in mid-air - and pressing that Firing Button will make his pistol fire a small cannonball. However, holding down the button will charge the pistol (much like Alice's bubble blower in Märchen Maze and Apollo's sword in Phelios), and upon releasing the button the pistol will fire a medium or large cannonball; but even the smallest enemies take multiple hits to kill, so the small cannonballs are of little use.
There is also blue (and yellow) vases which can be broken open with a medium (or large) cannonball, and will leave Hanafuda
The player controls a Chinese police officer who has been assigned to infiltrate an underground base to rescue a high-ranking police officer and his daughter, who have been kidnapped by a gang.
In 1985, Irem released the third of four arcade conversions of Lode Runner. This third version, like the second contained 30 selected levels from the 150 original levels. It is pretty much the same game as the previous version, with different levels.
In 1986, Irem released their fourth and final arcade conversions of Lode Runner. Like the previous two, it contained 30 selected levels from the 150 original levels. However, it is the only version to contain a new mode of play: two player cooperative. In this mode, two players must work together to capture every gold ingot in 18 stages, some of which cannot be reached without a pair of players working together to achieve their goal. This is the only version out of Irem's four arcade releases that was not translated into English and sold directly to the American market.
The player takes on the role of a US Army special operations soldier infiltrating enemy POW camps in Vietnam to find prisoners of wars and lead them to freedom. Like its predecessor, there are a total of six levels in the game: war-torn field, jungle, airstrip, rail-yard, POW camp, and escaping POW camp. M.I.A. can be played by up to two players, with Player 1 in green and Player 2 in blue.
Throughout most of the game, the player's main weapon is a knife, which is capable of destroying any enemy in the game. By killing the red enemy soldiers, the player can acquire additional weapons. The available weapons consist of an assault rifle (12 rounds), a flamethrower (2 rounds), a bazooka (3 rounds), and grenades (3 rounds). Unlike Green Beret, the player can carry more than one weapon and switch between them at will. If the player loses a life, then only their currently equipped weapon will be lost.
At the end of each level, an assorted amount of troops on fixed machine gun positions (usually four) that must be elimin
Macho Mouse is an arcade game which was released by Techstar in 1982; it runs on the hardware first used by Amenip and Centuri for Round-Up (two Zilog Z80s, running at 3.072 and 2.5 MHz, with two General Instrument AY-3-8910s running at 1.536 MHz for audio). The player must use the four-way joystick, to direct the eponymous "Macho Mouse" around a maze, leaving a trail of dots behind him as he goes (like Pac-Man in reverse), and causing images of his head to appear while avoiding cats that will kill him on contact - but as in Konami's Amidar, Macho Mouse can jump by means of a button and stun the cats for a short period of time. Between rounds, there is a "slot machine" similar to that of Chuo Co., Ltd.'s Funny Mouse (later re-released by Taito Corporation, as "Super Mouse").
Rollergames is a coin-operated arcade game by Konami, made in 1990, and based on the television show of the same name.
Score values are cut in half from the real show (and rounded up if needed), and feature only four 99-second cycles instead of 45-second cycles within four 6-minute periods.
The players control the two jetters. After referee Don Lastra blows his whistle to begin the cycle, the first lap leads the jetters to the Wall of Death (the heavily banked curve of the jetwave). They get one point for getting three steps in the between the two red lines and three points for getting above the top line. On the jet jump, they get three points for landing beyond the 12-foot marker and one point for landing in front of the line. The rest of the cycle awards one point passing or fighting off opposing blockers (who come back to haunt the jetters afterwards) and three points for lapping or fighting off the opposing jetter. The team with the most points wins.
While it doesn't affect the score of the game (only awardi
Em uma cidade em ruinas dominada pelas gangues, uma garota chamada Sheena (amiga dos três protagonistas) é sequestrada após fazer compras por um cara chamado Red Freddy, para levá-la a seu chefe, Lord Geld, um ser maléfico que aumenta seus poderes deflorando belas jovens virgens. Três rapazes (Wade, Kyle e Boris) saem numa perseguição atrás de sua amiga em seu carro vermelho enfrentando perigosos adversários através de 7 áreas repletas de perigos. Wade tem o estilo de luta baseado em Cody, enquanto que os agarrões de Boris lembram os de Haggar e Kyle tem seus ataques baseados nos golpes de Guy.
An adult maze game. The player is a painter working on his great canvas of beautiful females, but his task will not be easy, because it is constantly attacked by annoying enemies, you must eliminate or dodge all enemies of the maze to complete the canvas and go to the next stage.